
Sunday, October 27, 2024

Un-Newsy Weekend

34°f, about 1.5°C. Chilly and mostly clear. High of 63f today.

Knee work continues, a little easier every day. I can see progress, not as fast as I would like, but getting there. The PT tech manipulated my kneecap the other day which helped with the nerve pain ("zingers" as I call them). Did you know your kneecap just kinda floats around in there? News to me. By doing a very gentle adjustment, he was able to nearly eradicate one of the pains that was keeping me up at night. The therapist repeated the massage on Friday, so one area is feeling a lot better.  Another nighttime irritant is that my whole knee is so sensitive that any cloth touching it is painful. I learned through a little research and YouTube that I can desensitize the area by lightly tapping or slapping it--not on the scar as that has not completely healed, but all around it. I started doing that last evening and can already tell a difference.

The biggest news is that I can finally sleep in the bed! Well, I guess you could call it sleep. I am still waking every hour or so,  trying to find a comfortable position. Fortunately Larry sleeps so soundly that he says I do not disturb him. At least this is now mainly discomfort and not actual pain. Giant step! 

The bad news is that I apparently caught a fragment of Larry's virus from last week. Mine has been a slight fever, queasy stomach, and just generally feeling lousy. It has pretty much finished its course, thank goodness. I am thankful it was not worse.

I have been getting out and walking a bit (with my cane) and did 3/10ths of a mile today. I will continue to increase the distance slightly each day. It feels good.

All right, enough of all that! What else has been going on here? Not much for me honestly. My pt exercises, feeling bad and being tired pretty much sums up my weekend. Larry on the other hand is busy as can be. He has been getting the fall brushhogging done now that the yellow jackets have left (where do they go, I wonder?), and doing some outside cleanup. Which leaves me alone and bored, but it is what must be right now. 

I finished another Maisie Dobbs book (book 5, I think, and it was not a favorite), and also Elizabeth Strout 's latest, Tell Me Everything.  This one was fairly short, and featured once again her character Olive Kittinger and several others from her past novels. A fine read. 

I have been re-watching the series The Duchess of Duke Street.  Do you remember this old BBC series? Larry goes to bed very early these days, but I try to stay up until at least 10 just tobshorten the nightly battle with sleep, so I watch a few episodes of Mrs. Trotter and company every night. The series revolves around a young woman who is determined to be a cook in Victorian England when female chefs were unheard of. Her success leads to the purchase of a hotel and the story weaves in and out among the staff, the times, a bit of royalty here and there, and dilemmas of all kinds. Quality BBC, in my opinion, even if it was made in the 70's.  No subtitles, which can make some of the thick accents a challenge. 

Meanwhile,  Fall keeps falling.

Til next time!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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