
Wednesday, January 8, 2025


19°f this morning and didn't warm up much. Still snow flurries.


Some people just can't be satisfied staying home. They must needs go out. And then they must drive down our icy, snowy hill, and get stuck.

Which means a call to another guy. Another truck slides down our hill. No luck pulling out the first truck. Second truck almost gets stuck, and barely makes it back up the hill. First truck, still stuck.

Decipher to mean Larry, truck #1, decided he needed to go to town. We needed dog food, he said.  I think he just wanted to go see faces besides mine. So up the hill he walked to his truck, just as the State Roads grader went by. That was good news; the road has been plowed and cindered. So Larry made it to town just fine, picked up what he needed, had chili and baked potato at Wendy's,  bought me flowers (😊), drove down the driveway and unloaded. Drove back up the hill and then decided he needed to track in the snow a little bit more, came back down, and got stuck.

Call to Derek, truck #2. Because, you see, where Larry was stuck was literally inches from the wellhead. If he hit that,  I tremble to think what the cost would be. Derek came, salid down our hill which was now packed to ice, hooked up to Larry's truck, and almost got stuck himself.

Tomorrow they go to Plan B: try to get the tractor going to pull out Larry's truck. Derek will leave his big ol' Dodge Ram (you can't see my head if I stand on one side of the front of it and you're on the other side, that's how tall it is) up top of the hill. He learns fast!

It's just like the good old days when we had real winters---vehicles getting stuck, much walking, much ice, and occasional cursing. Honestly for all I care, the truck can sit there til Spring, but I am in the minority on that. What man wants to leave a stuck vehicle stuck? None that I know.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Well, your men-folk have something to keep them busy. I hope it all works out the way they want it to.

  2. I guess the boys are making an adventure and doing some good ole bonding too. Not my thing though.

  3. Good luck with the truck mess. BTW, a baked potato with chili is my favorite thing to get at Wendy's.

  4. LOL...we went out for a walk too though it has snowed since last night, but we WALKED for 4 hours :-))


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