
Friday, March 21, 2025

Garden Talk, and Unexpected Surpises

30°f/-1°C this morning, warming to 50°f, mostly clear but very windy again.

More daffodil photos, because they are just such a happy sight after winter! (Sorry, FG!)

And hellebores...

We spread another 20 bags of mulch today, and moved a trellis to a better position, where I planted peas. The lettuce, radishes and onions I planted a few weeks ago are doing well, and tomorrow I plan to plant a few potatoes.

I am going to try to have this garden be completely no-till, my goal for the past several years. This year, I believe the mulch is finally deep enough to give it a try. We shall see how it goes.

Now, on a different topic:

Have you ever had a aurprising meeting with a friend, family member or other acquaintance in a completely unexpected place? 

A thread in a Facebook group discussed just this thing, and there were the most interesting responses. The thread started with a photo of 3 Irishman, taken in NYC in 2019. The lady who took the photo asked if they wanted her to send it to their phones, but none of the men had phones. Later she posted the photo online and it went viral as she tried to get the picture to the men. And 5 years later, she finally met them again, this time in Dublin, I believe. 

This reminded me of several unusual things that have happened to me, or to my family. Once in Key West, we ran into my son Jon's next door neighbors, and once in DC I heard someone call my name as I was standing in front of the White House. It was a friend from West Virginia that I had not seen in a couple years. My son Aaron was in a bar in Seattle and was mistaken for his brother Derek by a guy who had served with Derek in Germany. And on the ferry to the Reagan Islands in Ireland, Aaron and his wife met a young lady who was in the National Guard, and had been in a training class taught by our granddaughter Haley. And on it goes. One of the strangest sort of experiences happened to us in Dublin, and you can read about it in this blog post from 2014.

The following story is one of the ones from that Facebook thread that really made me laugh:

"During WW2 a friend of my grandfather's was stationed with two or three other soldiers in a remote outpost in the Western Desert. One day, after several weeks of seeing absolutely nobody else,  they noticed a small cloud of dust out in the desert. As it got nearer they were able to make out that it was a man on a bicycle. And when it got even closer my grandfather's friend was amazed to recognise one of his teachers from school, who, as he passed shouted across to him "Ah Brown, good to see you. Please do remember me to your parents." And without stopping he carried on cycling and disappeared off into the desert."

What about you? Have you ever had such an experience? Perhaps not as bizarre as the one above, but one that made you appreciate how small this earth really is? Do tell!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I hope you manage to get your garden no-till. Your stories are so interesting. I did go read about your trip to Dublin.
    Strange coincidences!!

  2. What? -1c, wasn't yesterday something about 16C? Gosh..the temperature difference so huge that would make us sick..your grandfather's friend and his bizarre seeing his school teacher in the desert is almost surreal.

  3. Fun coincidences! I only remember 1984 or such, my Mom took me to Spanish Island Mallorca and we met a customer of her. But then many Germans go to that island in summer.

  4. Yes. Unexpectedly met my carpool friend from Ontario at a park entrance in New Brunswick. We had never encountered each other randomly in our home town.

  5. ...your helleborus are a treat to see.

  6. No stories come to mind about out of the way meetings. Certainly none to top the teacher story.

  7. I think it is more common than we realize. I call it a 'meeting of the small earth society', the best example I have being this. My daughter was sitting in a pub in London, England when she heard her name called. It was a friend from highschool. In the next booth.

  8. Love those daffodils! A few of mine are just showing buds, while others are spears of about 6-8 inches. We look to be about 3-4 weeks behind you, but our spring is definitely on the way.

    My father was always meeting people in odd places. We were out West in BC, Canada, and my father ran into someone he used to work with at US Steel in Lorain, Ohio. The guy drove a pipe hauler through my dad's gate sometimes (Dad was a security guard and worked at different gates). Yet another time, we were in Florida at a restaurant, and my dad saw a man from his old neighbourhood. Incredible. We all just started to expect it after that.

  9. Your daffodils are looking good. Her's my strange encounter: I was visiting Toronto back in the mid 70s and was walking around the center of town with a friend. When I passed this bar, a classmate from my high school days walked out and almost bumped into me. He was on vacation from his job. I was stunned for a moment, we talked a few minutes and said our goodbyes.

  10. Your daffodils are lovely. We are still a few weeks from that part of spring.
    best… mae at

  11. Many thanks for your comment on the low carb diabetic.
    Spring is one of my favourite seasons and it's always lovely to see daffodils.

    All the best Jan

    PS Hope you enjoy the soup.

  12. Never. My life is so boring.

  13. My brother was 10 or 11 (1950ish) and we live down the street from Montreal International Airport, Dorval Airport at the time. A guy rented a house down the street from us cause it had a big garage that he could store his small plane in for the winter. My brother wanting to check it out , climbed through the window and landed on the wing and broke something , Well the guy hauled him home , explained to Dad and J got a beating for it. Move ahead to the 90's , we are sitting in a restaurent in Vancouver . J starts talking to this man next to us , one thing leads to another and it ends up being the guy with the plane. Very small world. eh

  14. Our daffodils are not blooming yet, but many strong, green stems are well above the ground and it won't be long. I can hardly wait!

  15. Our most random meet up occurred in 2016 when we were in Alaska. The town of McCarthy where we ran into one of Barb's co-workers from Minnesota.

  16. Yes! One day I was signing the guest book at Mount Vernon, VA. I noticed that the name above mine was the same as my aunt and uncle. I thought that it was quite a coincidence until I saw that the address was the same as my aunt and uncle's. I scanned the room and saw my uncle waiting, and scooted over there. My aunt was in the bathroom. I walked in calling her name. For her part, she was in a stall and when she heard her name, she was not sure she should come out! My daughter lived in Georgia for a while (the country). They had traveled someplace very remote, walked into an ancient stone cafe, and saw a professor they had worked with in Kabul.


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