35°f, about 2°C this morning, warming to 57°f, clear and sunny.
A very early iris, iris reticulata, aka Snow Iris, blooming in my flowerbed today. Still no daffodils, but soon!
We are finishing up painting the bedroom today, and will I ever be glad. Just one room, but it seems like the whole house is in turmoil, as Granny Marigold noted of her last painting project. We have sure cleaned out lots of dust! That heavy furniture doesn't get moved very often, and it shows.
That's about all we have been doing this weekend. I did cook the two of the trout Jeff gave us last week, for dinner yesterday, just pan-frying it. I made hush puppies and a salad, and that was dinner. Breakfast today was a kind of huevos ranchero, I suppose--- I heated some salsa and poached the eggs in it, then served on toasted English muffins, putting a piece of white cheddar cheese on the muffin half, then the eggs, some of the salsa, and sprinkled with chopped parsley. Yummy. Making dinner now--catfish fingers, baked potatoes, and green beans. Simple fare, because I am too tired to do much else.
The dogs are in the doghouse with us, because Little Boy popped open the sliding door last night (we forgot to secure it) and he and Buddy got skunked. It's bad enough to get up and find the door wide open when it's 35° outside, but two stinky dogs too? It was not a good night. Trying to get back to sleep with that reek in the air was almost impossible, so we were both bleary-eyed this morning to welcome in Daily Savings Time. We had to laugh about the poor dogs, who don't understand why they can't come inside, but I do feel sorry for them. They have been getting a steady stream of treats to make them feel better about the situation.
And that, friends, was our weekend. No "weekend whirl" here!
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