
Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Grant me this!

It's mid-January, and prime time for arts grants. I'm working on two right now, both for storytelling events, and both from ORBI, the Ohio River Border Initiative. This group gives grants to arts organizations in the counties bordering the Ohio River between West Virginia.

The West Virginia Storytelling Guild ( may write a grant too. Currently we're working on the West Virginia Book Festival ( The guild has become a strong part of that festival, and we're excited about our third year of particiaption.

Donna Wilson ( and I are developing a storytelling circle for tellers in the Jackson County/Meigs county areas along the river. So far--three members! But I think we'll grow with time, and it's giving us an opportunity to lay the groundwork.

I need to decide soon if I'm doing a grant for professional development. This year I got one to attend a ballad conference in North Carolina and that's exciting. I sing ballads but I've never been trained in any way, learning through my own research and practice.

What else is going on? The phone's been out of order since Saturday, bummer since we were waiting for Tommy to call from Germany. He finally got me on my cell and sounds good. He said Ramstein looks a lot like WV.

Enough for now. Time to get on the road home, 50-plus miles from here.

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