
Friday, September 7, 2007

Columbus Storytellers

It was great! Dinner at an Italian restaurant with 5 storytelling friends.

I was in Columbus, OH for a library conference (Facilities Management and Planning--exciting?) and emailed the SOCO tellers to see if anyone might be available for dinner. We met, talked, ate, and had a great time.

That's one of the joys of being a storyteller--wherever I go, I can find storytellers to get together with for coffee, a meal, or just chat. I've been on the Storytell listserve for over 10 years now, and during that time my web of friends has stretched across the globe.

Wednesday night's dinner companions included Kevin Cordi, Melanie Pratt, Jeanette Bruton, Julie McGhee, and Sally Crandall.


  1. Great to have you back!! (and wish I'd been part of that lunch gathering . . . ;-)

  2. Just passing thru to see how the tale of the computer goes. Hope you get things back up soon. I know how frustrating it can be to have youre system down.

  3. Still no computer at home, Mike, but it's coming. I'm grabbing what chances I can to get online. I can write at home on my clunker laptop,save to a flashdrive and then psot when I get an opportunity. Making hay when I can!


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