
Friday, April 17, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 34: Talking to Friends, and Cake

This morning it was 41 and cloudy, and as the day went on it became very windy once again, with a few showers. More wind expected tonight, and more rain. We're getting worried about a huge oak that is leaning badly. It really needs to be cut, and soon. That new chainsaw will have to move up in priority importance.

I've laid low the past couple days, just dealing with this sinus thing and lack of sleep. I did order a new book (There, There) on a friend's recommending and am looking forward to reading it. With more time at home, I'm finding enjoyment in novels once again.

I was happy when the antique mall called to tell me she'd sold several pieces of furniture. She had an online auction today and sold a few of my things on there too. One way or another, she's managing to continue selling so we all keep making a little money. I am happy if she can sell enough to cover my rent until the mall can re-open.

The bad news yesterday was that a local nursing home has 15 cases of the virus, and not all residents and staff have been tested. Apparently the facility was trying to keep this news under wraps. I have no idea why, but it's created a furor here and across the state. It's so worrying for the many who have family and loved ones there.

But the bright side: several long telephone conversations with friends this week. It's really nice to just sit back with a cup of coffee and have a good chat, something we have gotten away from as texting became the most popular method of communication. One call today was from a museum in Marietta, Ohio where I have performed at least once a year since 2009, I think. I love going there, and the staff are just the best. Glenna called to let me know this year's festival, planned for August 1, is still on. I regretfully told her that I wanted to cancel, as I am canceling all summer performances. She understood, thank goodness--she's hunkered down too, and making the calls from her home. We talked a good while, just catching up. A bright spot, indeed.

Have you been finding that you're calling people more, and enjoying some good conversations since being homebound?

Another bright spot: I had 4 apples that were getting a little wrinkled, so I pulled out my old recipe file and hunted up a cake recipe I hadn't made in years--not since I started this blog in 2007, I'm sure. This is Chopped Apple Cake, a recipe from my former mother-in-law, and it is delicious. Perfect for our morning break.

Chopped Apple Cake

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
Beat until light and well-blended: 2 cups sugar,  sticks of soft butter (1/2 pound).
Fold in 4 eggs and 1 cup cold coffee.
Add: 3 cups all-purpose flour (I used self-rising, added a little more and left out the salt and soda)
2 tsp baking soda
pinch of salt
1 tsp each of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves
Mix well, then stir in: 1 cup raisins (I used currants because they needed to be used up), and 1 cup nuts (both of these are optional)
Stir in 3 cups chopped apples.

Bake in a greased 9"x13" pan, 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Larry suggested the whipped cream topping, and since it needed to be used up, seemed like a good idea.

Other than baking and chatting on the phone, I've been painting furniture, filing papers, listing on ebay, and doing the usual housework. I am chomping at the bit to work outside, but with the chill temperatures and high winds, it's not a good idea right now.

Til tomorrow, friends!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I've been talking on the phone a little more but writing letters a lot more. I'm working more too so I have less free time & am pretty tired most of the time.

    the cake recipe sounds so good. It looks like it would be easy to cut in half. I'd love to try it but can't have that much cake laying around. ;)

    1. You know, I think I actually doubled the original in this recipe. With 4 hungry boys, I usually did that1

  2. My mall isn't trying 'other' ways to sell, they are closed and windows covered with plywood. Rent has been cut by 50% a month until business returns to normal. Ouch. Thanks for your Chopped Apple Cake recipe. Hope your sinus thing disappears and stays away.

    1. The other mall is charging us no rent at all right now, and that really surprised me. I appreciate it so much. This one is still trying and she's doing a great job of selling my things. I just tell her to hold the money, as it will continue to cover the rent--I think I have enough to cover up until June.

  3. The cake recipe sounds good.
    Glad that some of your items are being purchased at the antique mall. That's always nice.
    Have a wonderful weekend and stay safe.

  4. Thanks, Bill. You do the same! I really enjoy your photos. I sure hope we get to Donegal and Northern Ireland next year.


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