
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 39: Earth Day

Weather report: 38 and clear, no frost!

To celebrate this 50th anniversary of Earth Day, today I'm posting a variety of photos taken recently around my little part of this beautiful planet.

One of my flowerbeds.

 Not a lot in bloom in it right now, but lots of promise. These daffodils and the tulip below are new to us this year.

 It looks a little weedy because I can't much this part yet--waiting on the pink poppies to come up first, as they seed themselves and can't push up through the mulch.

Seen along the road home today. These are all draft horses.

In my front yard, a visitor. I believe this is a brown thrasher.

And along the river again, from Monday's trip. We saw not one tug on the river. And look at that sky! No jet trails  💚

On Joe's Run last week. Or was it the week before? Days do run together.

On our driveway.

These daffodils are Larry's pride and joy, because he planted them! He brags on them every time we pass by. Now, if I had planted them he probably wouldn't even notice. Next year we'll add a lot more to this little are at the top of our driveway.

Another view--they are so pretty and unexpected.

He planted these last year, and they're taking hold pretty well.

And last but most important of all, another Earth Day beauty, my great-granddaughter Cadyn, who turned 11 today.

How long ago that seems, in another lifetime when the world was such a different place.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Love the daffodils! And I like the randomness of the plantings. Such a lovely surprise when they bloom.

  2. Soon your flowers beds will be bursting with colour.
    Take care and stay safe!


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