
Monday, April 27, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 44: Not Much to Say

53 and cloudy, but the day cleared up and we even had some sun in the afternoon.

A bit of yard and garden news:

Larry was able to cut some grass this evening. I hoed weeds out of one flower bed to get it ready for mulch. We took a chance last week and picked up 20 bags of brown mulch from a small grocery store. A few minutes in the store to pay, then outside to load it ourselves. Masks and gloves, of course. It's sad how nerve-wracking even simple transactions like this can be. Still we got what we needed, and should be able to finish mulching what needs it.

We are on the hunt, though, for mulch hay for our vegetable gardens. I've been saving cardboard and should have enough to do at least the part we've planted, but we'll need more cardboard and hay to do the whole garden like we did last year. The results were worth the work, and we find earthworms wherever we sink a shovel in the garden, which is one of the results of the mulch.

My little plants in the greenhouses are growing well. Most of them now have their second set of leaves. I want to start flowers in my large planters, just plant the seeds directly in them, but will need to get more potting soil to do that. Ebay here I come! I bought a large bag through ebay a few weeks ago for only a little more than I pay locally, so I think I'll order more--one less trip to a store.

Other news:

Well, there isn't much. We continued to work on our furniture/painting projects today. The desk I posted yesterday is finished and I just love it. Today we found a chair for it, which will need refinished and a new seat. Tomorrow's work, I think. We need to get more things done as another cabinet sold at the antique mall and we now have three large empty spaces there to fill. All good news, but we can't work fast enough!

I will have a virtual doctor's appointment tomorrow morning, and I am looking forward to that. I hope this is something that continues after the shutdown. It's so convenient! I can check my weight, temperature, blood pressure and if need be my blood sugar right here at home. So why do they always want us to trot in to their offices?

Larry's new chainsaw came in today's mail. I would never have considered buying one online like this, but different times call for different ideas. He hasn't even unpacked it yet, but I am sure that's on his agenda for tomorrow. It's a large one capable of cutting down the big trees we have around here.

The virus has claimed another 4 victims in our county, bringing the total here to 12 deaths. Sadly most of these are from the nursing home. Our governor is beginning to ease restrictions on what businesses can open but we have decided to continue sheltering in place for the foreseeable future. I understand people's need to get back to work, but we have no real need to go anywhere for a while. Each day there are such devastating stories on the news, but the ones that touch me the most are the caregivers who are dying trying to help others. God bless them all, and all of those who love them.

Seems I did have a few things to say, after all.

Stay safe, friends, and stay well.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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