
Friday, May 1, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 48: Colorful Visitors

45 this morning, gray, chilly and cloudy. Rain showers overnight so everything is damp on this May Day. We are supposed to wash our faces in the morning dew, but how to know what is dew and what is rain?

Even though it was cold, we took our morning coffee break out on the porch, and were rewarded with some special visitors.

This fellow is so handsome! A Baltimore Oriole who was stealing hummingbird nectar, apparently has a sweet tooth.

Then further away so not easy to get a photo, an indigo bunting graced us with its presence. Although we've seen these out in the fields, this is the closest one has ever come to our house. What gorgeous color.

And the Rose-Breasted Grosbeak is still here, and has been joined by a mate. He takes a long time at the feeders, I guess filling up for the next leg of his journey. You can barely see some of the deep rose color of his chest.

Yesterday I saw a bright yellow bird, I believe a yellow warbler, but I did not get one single good photo, just several blurry ones like this. Ah well.

It's so good to see these birds passing through. And thank goodness we bundled up and went out on the porch a while this morning. We'd have missed something special.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. We've been doing a lot of bird watching from our back porch as well. The Orioles will build nests & stay for the summer.


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