
Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 66: Rain, People and Macaroons

61 this morning with cold rain and wind. The temperature continues to drop, and will be in the 40's tonight. Today promises to be a gray, drippy one, perfect for being inside. So right now, I'm making coconut macaroons for the first time. Wish me luck! I don't know why I've never tried to make them before, since we both love coconut.

Rain, rain, rain. Look how green it is here!
This is a funny week. After being locked down so long, yesterday we had a wine delivery, and the Schwann's truck came with our frozen food order. This time I treated us to a change--pizza and ice cream! We haven't had pizza since early this year; it's not a regular part of our diet, so it was quite a treat. We haven't tried the ice cream yet. Schwann's is a bit pricey, but so good. And very handy right now.

I admit, I love this home delivery. The wine is from Wine Insiders, and was a box of mixed whites and 2 reds. Buying wine online is an adventure, since the wine is from a wide variety of vineyards and countries--Italy, Spain, Australia, Chile, and France so far. It's also far less expensive than even the grocery store wine, generally $6-$15 a bottle. I don't drink a lot of wine, and use a small glass at that, so an order can last a good while.

The rest of the week: Today the Viasat satellite repairman is here. Our satellite has been very unreliable for weeks, and he found that the problem is that the pole on which the satellite is mounted is actually moving, concrete and all, when the wind blows. The ground is so saturated, it's no wonder. He's been careful to stay a good distance away from us, and I sanitized my laptop after he left. Still, it feels odd to have a stranger in the house.

Then we need to go to our Ravenswood booth sometime this week as we've sold several pieces of furniture lately, and Larry has an actual onsite doctor visit, the first since March. I'm a little leery about the doc visit, but he's not worried.

And we still want to take our postponed road trip! It feels so odd to be getting out a bit, and I will probably be quite happy to get back to our usual stay-at-home routine.

Ending today with this little folktale about coconuts. This is from the fantastic website, Sacred Texts, but can be found on many other sites. A good tale for our times, I think.


One day a man who had been to gather his cocoanuts loaded his horse heavily with the fruit. On the way home he met a boy whom he asked how long it would take to reach the house.

"If you go slowly," said the boy, looking at the load on the horse, "you will arrive very soon; but if you go fast, it will take you all day."

The man could not believe this strange speech, so he hurried his horse. But the cocoanuts fell off and he had to stop to pick them up. Then he hurried his horse all the more to make up for lost time, but the cocoanuts fell off again. Many times he did this, and it was night when he reached home.

Have a great day, friends!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Mum used to make macaroons at one time - they never lasted very long! I like the tale about the coconuts: reminds me of what they used to say on the farm - "Nothing slows you down like hurrying".

  2. LOL, he should have listened to the man. :)
    Have a great day!

  3. I love the story. Thanks for sharing.

    I went to Walmart Neighborhood market this morning instead of doing an online order this time. Many things are slowly opening back up here with a lot of restrictions. We're still staying home as much as we can.

    But Walmart opens at 7AM for the elderly or immune compromised. I went at 7 & the store was almost completely empty. I'm able to get pretty much everything because it's freshly stocked & hopefully clean.

  4. I love macaroons, but haven't had one in years. Can't get wine delivery in KY. I live in a dry county and drive to a neighboring town to get wine. Lost most tomato plants to our recent hard freeze, so I am glad to get back to some normal temps. Take care.

  5. I love that story, so did my children! It is like the tortoise and the hare, slow and steady wins the day. Definitely a epitaph for our times, but what we should be doing all the time.

    I hope you macaroons were good, you have made me want to make them too now!


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