
Thursday, May 21, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 68: A Special Gift

52 and more cold rain all night. And all morning. Tomorrow we may finally see some sun again.

Today's post is about a gift. So here's a bit of the story.

The old rocker has followed me for over 50 years, through the births of my sons, from a small house in Virginia to this wild land from which we carved a home, through divorce and remarriage. I rocked my babies in it, read Thomas Hardy and college texts sitting by the stove in it. I packed away its pieces three times and in the process lost a couple small spindles.

Yet here it is, over 150 years old, and once again as beautiful as it was when it was new. It makes me think of all the things that have passed through my life, some missed and many forgotten. I also think of all the people met and loved over those same years.

The years pass quickly, don't they. Right now as we are all home more, many of us have time for reflection. As I look at the old rocker, I remember with gratitude those people who have been with me along my life's journey, some for the whole distance, some more recent companions. Some got put away for a time when our paths diverged,  but have returned.

While I enjoy my old rocker and other long owned things, it's people---friends and family--who are my most valued treasures.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. History, memories, wonderfully restored.

  2. What a wonderful story and that is just the time you have owned the chair. I wonder what other memories it holds? It is a beautiful piece to own and I hope it brings you many more year of happiness.

  3. Nice to hear your voice, Cousin. What a beautiful chair that is.

  4. That's a nice rocking chair. Lots of beautiful memories!

  5. The chair is so beautiful! And what a great story!!


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