
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 125: More Nothing Much

76 in the morning, again. No rain, although once again we watched it pass us by. Today might be another chance, but I am beginning to think it's forgotten how to rain.

Nothing much going on here, really. We planted cucumber seeds yesterday, and dressed out the 5 meat chickens. Each weighed about 4 pounds. Not very big but since they're only about 40 days old I guess that's not too bad. It's funny, we haven't done chickens in quite a few years, but I guess it's a skill one doesn't forget, like riding a bike. So these are now in the freezer, and that's a nice feeling.

Larry picked the first peppers, and another 7 pounds of cucumbers. I will make some dill pickles this week, but any more we will give away as we did with the last big bunch he picked.

I'm still working on painting projects and Larry is working on the Seller cabinet we bought last month. We should have it ready to go before too long. I'm excited about this cabinet, as it has features that I've not seen before.

Enough for today. I have a little road trip later on, so I'll write more later.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sounds much like here, although no butchering of chickens. Hot weather and picking daily from the garden. Life is good and mostly quiet, which I like.

  2. And we finally got some rain! And then the roof leaked. Sometimes I just gotta laugh!

  3. It's great that you are doing your own meat birds, start to finish! It's beyond my capabilities, but I've ordered a chicken from my friends who raise organic meat birds and have them processed locally. One bird will last me a while, but I don't expect to see it for weeks. Something to look forward to!

  4. Here you are Sue! I missed you on Facebook and got concerned. I had gotten lazy. I hope you get rain soon. It is such a nagging worry when the rains don't come.


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