
Sunday, July 24, 2022


68 this morning and cloudy. 

Well, here I am in my chair, feet up and meds and water by my side. I seem to have caught one of the summer bugs going around. I don't think it's Covid because several people I know have had it and tested negative. Or maybe it's some new, as yet unnamed strain? Who knows. I ordered test kits but will probably be well by the time they arrive. Meanwhile, it's fluids, rest, and meds for me, which seems to be working.

I haven't been a total slacker though. Not sick enough for that! I still finished painting a couple pieces of furniture,  did laundry, dishes, etc. If I could dis-attach my head, I would feel great! 

.eanwhile, the weather has been very unsettled and odd. The light is yellow and glary if that makes sense, and even the dogs are uneasy. We had a big blow and storm yesterday so got some needed rain, and it looks like more storms are on the way tonight.  It has certainly been a different July than the usual heat and drought. We haven't had to water much at all, which is certainly nice. I do hope August doesn't turn off dry.

Larry has been working on the fence around our biggest vegetable garden. Deer got in the other night and ate most of the new green bean plants, and got into the tomatoes a little...and actually dug up some potatoes with their hooves! Larry was furious. It didn't bother him too much when they got the limas a few nights back, but his tomatoes! So he has added 2 foot extensions to the top of the electric fenceposts, and strung fishing line around them. He also added 2 foot stakes outside of the fence, and strung those with fishing line too. We have heard from a couple people that the deer won't cross the small fence because of fear of getting their legs tangled up. We shall see.

Pollinator busy at work

Of course, they have been in my flowerbeds too, and I don't think we can do the same extreme measures there.  They ate the new sunflowers and my beautiful lilies-- not the one in the photo above thankfully-- along with who knows what else. I have noticed that they don't bother geraniums so next year maybe I just need to plant more of those.  

It is thundering as I type this on my phone. So looks like the storms may arrive earlier than expected.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sounds like the deer had a pretty good feast. Hoping you feel better.

  2. Please take it easy! You could do with a couple days rest. And the deer ate the bloom off my geraniums. Nothing is sacred here.

  3. I hope you are soon feeling better! I don't have much trouble with deer getting my stuff - my fence is pretty high. I have more trouble keep coyote and bear away from my chickens. Ugh!


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