
Monday, November 21, 2022

This and That

21 this morning,  clear and sunny, warmed up to 51 by late afternoon. First day of deer hunting season. Larry bagged an 8 point buck early in the day. This afternoon 4 does were in our front garden, and I had to shoo them away. I think they are restless because there are hunters in the woods which has upset the deer's usual routes and routines.

A quiet day for me, since Larry stayed over at deer camp all day. I worked on some furniture projects and did more deep cleaning. 

The hunters came here for dinner--lasagna, bread and salad-- and we had a really nice visit before our son and his friend left to go back to camp.

I made a trip to town this afternoon to pick up some things from our favorite source, and also to pick up a lot of really nice Christmas decorations from a friend who is downsizing. My van is full once again! Tomorrow we will have to unload as I need to go out again, unfortunately.  On my way home I stopped to photograph this poor bent over tree. Even though it is badly damaged, the shoots on the right show that the tree is still living. Amazing. Wouldn't it be neat to clean up the dead stuff and make this like a garden arch? I think the landowner is probably going to just cut it down though. 

It looks like our Thanksgiving crowd might be growing as another son and his family may be coming. Since we no longer have that big table set up, I am looking at how we will be able to seat everyone. Should be interesting. But doable, I am sure.

Tomorrow I will probably be canning venison after a trip to town. The freezers are full and I want some canned meat anyway.

That's about all the news that isn't from this West Virginia hill. Sleep well, friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're busy with food, family and friends. What a wonderful gathering for Thanksgiving. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!


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