
Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day, Somber Thoughts

14 this morning and cloudy. Light snow is falling now. Looking out the window: 

Yesterday was a lovely day, with a quiet morning followed by a visit from our son Derek, his daughters, so  in law and granddaughter.  What fun it was to watch little Ellie explore and play. We had a sumptuous meal, cranberry mimosas,  and desserts of all kinds. It was just a nice day.

It ended, though, on a sad note. I had heard on Christmas Eve that a friend from long ago had passed away. It wasn't unexpected but still, I felt badly for her children. They cared for her for years, and right up to the end. What caring young people.

Then just before bed last night I heard that a young neighbor had passed away suddenly. She was such a sweet lady. I have known her husband since he was 2 years old or so. How difficult for these families to be in the midst of sadness and grief while the world celebrates the holidays. 

So this week I guess I will be attending both wakes or services, depending on the families' plans. This isn't easy for me and really, does anyone want to do it? But for the families it can be real comfort. So we straighten our backs and go.

Ah me. Yet life goes on, doesn't it. I well remember how terrible and cruel that seemed to me when I was grieving, almost incomprehensible.  As time goes on, we do get stronger, and can see life as beautiful again. Never the same, but with a deeper understanding of this strange journey we all must travel.

As I look out the window to the snow, falling more heavily now, I am thinking about the year ahead, the many friends who are aging, the babies that are on the way, the weddings, anniversaries, the plans and expectations of us all for the next twelve months. It's a veritable quilt of all the complexities and simplicity of our day to day lives. We shoulder up our packs of joys and sorrows, and onward we go, with many a backward glance seeking those who no longer march with us.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. So sorry to hear of your recent losses. And yet life does continue, whether we are still riding the roller coaster or not. I hope that you can give comfort to the families and friends of those who just passed away. And may the next turning of the earth bring more blessings to all.


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