
Sunday, March 5, 2023

Doing the Dishes

43 this morning, warming to 55 this afternoon. Nice sunny day.

Some of the mini daffodils that are scattered around our land. Surprisingly, they have much less scent than the other daffodils. But so perky!

We had some wild weather Thursday evening: thunder, wild winds, and rain that fell heavily while the sun was shining. 

We spent Thursday and Friday working at our booths, pics tomorrow of that. Then yesterday I spent the better part of the day putting one end of our living room back together since the new paint had dried. It is still a work in progress as we have not yet hung the gallery wall, as I have learned it is called. Part of the work was unloading the china cabinet and washing every. SINGLE. piece of glass. 

Here is most of it, all piled into the kitchen.

And that doesn't include the full tote that I forgot to photograph. Whew. 

Here it is, all back in the cabinet--all but two pieces i won't be keeping. This is almost all Early American Pattern Glass, made between 1860's to around 1917. I think there are 3 or 4 newer pieces, added mostly added for more color.

Today I have been cleaning up again, and made Italian Wedding Soup, which I have wanted to make for a long while. Very simple, and so delicious. 

And I have started a new-to-me book, one published in 1945 called Ever After, by Elswyth Thane. It is interesting to note how very politically incorrect this book is by today's standards. The role and expectations of women and descriptions and treatment of black characters are really jarring. The story is based in Williamsburg,  Virginia, New York, and England in the late 1800's. The writing itself is excellent, and the story is interesting, so I will finish this book despite its flaws. Our thinking has come a long way,  even given the recent racial problems in our country. That in itself is a comforting reminder when it seems hate keeps making headway.

Tonight? I think I will just keep reading. Although we have this interesting-looking movie called The Bicycle Thief to watch. So, either way, a restful evening. Tomorrow I suppose we will be back to painting. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. That’s a lot of glass to wash, and the cabinet makes me think of my mother’s which we have here. It is smaller than yours, and it is filled mostly with teacups, which all have a story that my wife knows.

  2. How wonderful to get the glass all bright and clean! Come on over to my house anytime!! (Sorry, that invitation is a bit crass, meaning I've got lots of pottery that needs to be washed/dusted. Sincerely meant that I am envious!)

  3. I hope you're done with cleaning all that glass, it's quite a lot.. The Bicycle Thief sounds interesting. Have a good day.

  4. That is alot of glass, it looks lovely in the cupboard. Amazing that it is all so old and has survived, imagine the stories it could tell....

  5. Doesn't that cabinet look gorgeous with all those glittery jewels inside! I do admire your energy :)

  6. That's a lot of glass! But certainly stunning in the cabinet. It reminds me of my hubby's aunt and all her cut glass displayed in her kitchen.


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