
Thursday, April 6, 2023

Another Week Done Gone

59 this morning, steadily dropping to 50 this evening. Yesterday we had a high of 86, much too warm. Then high winds and a sprinkle of rain last night and this morning, and clouds all day. I repotted tomatoes and peppers yesterday, still more to do.

Where did this week go?It seems to have just zoomed by. Sunday I wasn't feeling up to par, but worked outside a bit, Monday we had to go to town to fight a losing battle with the county tax people, who charged me for a property tax owed by my son back in 2016. I certainly wasn't responsible for it, but they charged me last year for it, and now refuse to refund. Aggravation. But we did other errands too, so other than being upset over money we won't see again, it turned out to be a pretty nice day. Came home and transplanted the gigantic hisbiscus and a few grapevines that had rooted themselves, then spent the evening by the firepit--no wind for a change.

Tuesday I focused on cluter clearing, inside and out. I want to have things cleaned up by Easter. Not that we celebrate per se, but I do like a clean house and the gardens looking nice on Easter. I worked hard from morning until after dark, but it shows, and I am satisfied. There is still more to do, of course.

Yesterday we had our friend's granddaughter for the day. It's Spring Break here, and my friend had to work and take her husband to therapy for his knee replacement, so we had a nine-year-old all day. What fun, but how tiring! Honestly, I don't know how older grandparents do it. We're both almost 72, and the bouncing energy and endless questions about wore us out! My grandchildren are all older now, the youngest is 16 and the oldest 34. I am very glad to have been a very young grandmother, when I had the get-up-and-go to keep up with all those 14 little ones.

We did have a good time with our little visitor, though--and I shouldn't say little, she's almost as tall as we are! Larry took her hunting for morel mushrooms and digging sassafras, while I made scones, sloppy joes with ground venison.and salad for lunch. I made the sassafras tea and fried some of the morels when they returned. 

I guess the old-time tastes of morels and sassafras tea are not for young palates, or at least not for hers, but she certainly loved the scones and sloppy joes, and drank aquart and a half of cider, and a pint of grapejuice too, both from our cellar.

Today the meter reader guy came down our drive, then backed all the way out. We wondered why he did that, until Larry went to get the mail and found this:

That's the second downed tree this week on our drive, both quite dead.  So out came the tractor and chainsaw.

He spent his afternoon cutting and clearing up the mess, while I put polyurethane on the Hoosier cabinet that we will take to the booth tomorrow, and worked on paperwork. I did take a little time outside though.

Work in progress here, but getting there.

I think that catches me up for the week. I hope all of you have been well! 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I am surprised to learn your age. I had thought you were somewhat younger because you do seem to be quite energetic and active.

    1. And here i am thinking I have really slowed down. Thanks,AC!

  2. Whew, your almost 72 year old energy leaves my 80 yo self in awe towards all you do in a day! I have decided that one major thing a day (usually includes driving somewhere) is quite enough. I can add something on the computer or TV to it, but nothing else physical. When I start my plants for my porch garden again next month, I'll see how much energy I have to keep up with them!

    1. Well, I bet by 80 I will have slowed down too, Barb!

  3. Those falling trees can be aggravating but at least no one gets hurt. Happy Easter to you and yours.

  4. It got so warm here on Thursday that I was out working in shirtsleeves. It was back to 22F again this morning.
    And I am now craving sassafras tea :)


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