
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Canadian Smoke, and Booths

63 this morning, hazy. 

The Canadian smoke is certainly far-reaching.  Are you being affected by it in your area? Here i guess we are fortunate that while the smoke is creating a very hazy day, it is nothing like as severe in other regions. How much land has burned! I remember, about 30 years ago, when fires in the southern part of West Virginia were very bad one year, we had such terrible smoke that we really could not be outside,  and we were about 70 miles from the fires. I worked in Charleston at the time, and Charleston was only 15 or 20 miles from some of the fires. So at work, it was much worse. 

A couple weeks back when we first experienced the Canadian smoke, Larry developed a very chesty cough. Being the stubborn kind of guy, he wouldn't go to the doctor. We had some cough syrup but it didn't help much.  He figured the smoke, along with the dust because we were so dry here at the time, caused his cough. When the smoke disappeared,  so did his cough. So far this time he has been okay, but it has only been a couple days of haze. We shall see.

I spent 3 hours in the gardens this morning, trimming back and weeding in the large flowerbed, and hoeing, weeding and generally mucking about in my vegetable garden. Today I picked our first squash and zucchini of the season, and pulled some very tiny baby carrots while thinning the row of carrots. I think all of these, along with lettuce and green onions, will make us a fine salad.

I had my semi-annual "well baby" checkup at the doctor yesterday, and she said I am doing great--good results on the blood work and all other tests. It seems like I have been to the doctor more times in the past month than I have in a whole year usually, but I know that at my age preventive care is the better part of wisdom. I have not yet had a shingles vaccine, because I never had chicken pie as a child, but my doctor said that I was certainly exposed to them at some time, and my immune system fought off the virus. Whic means I could get shingles.  So I will be getting the vaccine soon. I never had measles either; my mother had then when she was expecting me, which may have been why I was able to avoid those two common childhood illnesses.

Before going to my appointment, we restocked our booths at both locations. We loaded the van the night before so we could get an early start. We got a lot done in the booths, but will go back tomorrow to add more because the July 4th weekend is usually very busy.  Our county seat hosts the largest small-town celebration of the holiday in the country, so there will be hundreds of people coming in for the activities. This young lady was decorating the windows of an empty store when we passed by yesterday.

She is standing on a ladder, not the car! Looks like it though, doesn't it?

Here are a few photos from the booths. This is our booth at Farmhouse Market Finds in Ripley.

We added the flatwall cabinet last week.

The little white dresser sold this morning.

We moved this cabinet in 2 weeks ago. I would like to move it bear an outlet as it has lights installed, but I don't think that's possible in our space.

Found the littlevfoldable shelf at a thrift, and it is perfect for displaying vintage tea tins.

Larry built this shelf last week, using a door for the back. It has a nice primitive look.

The churn was a good price on ebay.  They are impossible to find for a reasonable price locally. The red colander was from a yard sale, so cute.

A few photos from Riverbend Antique Mall in Ravenswood:
Larry painted the porch swing and added chains for hanging.

I love this little gnome-y planter. He's just plastic, but so cute.

 I found this unusual lamp online. 

We have worked on this door hall stand off and on for a couple months. It was good to get it done and in the booth. It is remarkably heavy!

I painted the small desk a few weeks ago, but can't remember if I posted a photo of it here. It is the prettiest apricot color. 

The plates are not old. I found them at a thrift and bought them to use, but they are too heavy for my liking. I kept 2, though. Cannot resist gingham check! These are Pioneer Woman plates, probably originally from Walmart. 

The wicker mirror was another yard sale find.

Can you see the red aluminum pitcher? There are 4 cups inside it. If you are of my generation you surely remember these, and how cold they kept drinks!

I added a bit of new costume jewelry last week. Priced reasonable, so it is something younger people can afford. 

Lamps! Another weakness of mine, but they sell pretty well.

And an odd assortment of stuff, in Larry's "man corner".

Enough already for today! I have some chicken to be re-packaged for the freezer, so I better get on it. Stay well, friends.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Today has been our worst day so far with the smoke here in central KY. You have wonderful items in your booth.

    1. I feel for the people living near the fires. The stress, and the smoke, must be terrible.

  2. Wonderful looking booth(s)! I want half of the goodies and furniture, but of course have no room for anything new. Glad you're taking care of your health. I walked today outside with "moderate" air level, and hope to try to tomorrow early also, though we were warned the smaller particles wouldn't smell like smoke. I'll carry my mask just in case.

    1. It has not been too bad here, but is definitely noticeable. Can't be good for us but we have to work outside every day pretty much.
      Having booths allows me to enjoy things without having them in my home, lol. Some things I am sad to see sell, but always remind myself that it is just stuff, and always more to be found. The finding is the fun part actually!

  3. Your booths look great! It also looks like a lot of work goes into setting up and maintaining them. We enjoy going to antique malls when we travel. It is interesting to see the different themes in various areas of the country. It is like a treasure hunt for us trying to find the perfect item for our house!

    1. We are exactly the same way, Jim, when we go browsing antique malls. Except of course, most of what we end up buying goes in the booths. We tend to swap out, too, trading our stuff for booth stuff and vice versa. Of course, we hold on to things that have family memories attached. It is a lot of work, especially redoing the display window, or doing a re-set.

  4. I'm amazed how fast some of your items sell. People, myself included, like to look at the old items, it brings back the old memories. Your booths look very nice and organize. Good luck moving the items to a new home and owner and have fun replacing them. :) Have a great weekend.

    1. I love it when things move quickly! I try to price reasonably so people can afford our stuff. I especially like it when I happen to meet tbe buyers. It is such a pleasure to hear how they used what they bought.

  5. I live in northern California where we live with forest fire and smoke every summer and that smoke is not good. I developed respiratory issues and had to go to a Pulmonary specialist - I'm fine now but it did take a while to clear. When part of our town burned down in 2018, the toxic materials in the homes were worse than the wood fires and we had to stay indoors. Terrible times.

    I hope it will clear but knowing fires, it will take some time. Maybe some rain and wind will at least give you all some reprieve.

    1. I hate that for you, Debby. Pulmonary issues are no joke. We had some haze last year from fires in, was it Montana? Nothing like this though. I really hope California is spared this year. You have far more than your share of fires.

  6. It’s pretty hazy here today. Those fires have been burning for weeks. The devastation up there in Quebec must be terrible. It depends on the wind. Some days are ok; some are problematic. We’re running th AC today. I think it helps.

    1. You arevright, the AC does help clear the inside air. You know, I never considered that Canada would have such fires, as it isn't dry there, and not heavily populated. What caused these fires anyway?

  7. Yay, booths! I'm always drawn most strongly to your kitchen-y items, and also Larry's tools and re-builds/designs. I'm an equal-opportunity craver ;)


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