
Monday, July 24, 2023

At Last: Part 2

Today the mobile home movers came to get Sarah's cabin on to the foundation. 

Originally, the plan was that a crane would come and lift it in place. But when the crane operator came and looked at the site, he said it couldn't be done. That was not a happy day. But as we all talked it over, we knew there had to be a way. After all, you see mobile homes perched in the most unlikely places.  Surely this was no different? 

The company she bought the container from said, well, maybe it could be done by helicopter. A stunning thought. But before that drastic step, Sarah looked for alternatives, and found Beaver Mobile Home Movers in New Metamora, Ohio, about 2 hours from here. A representative came and checked the site and said sure, we can do it. Whew.

So today the movers arrived. They had quite an audience: Larry, me, Sarah, granddaughter Hannah and her 2 little ones, our friend Tyler and his dog, and our friends Don and Nancy from Arizona who are staying in their cabin a few miles from here.

Tyler even brought a drone to video the whole thing.

These guys made it look like a cakewalk. They arrived with a tool truck, trailer of wood blocks and other stuff, and a truck pulling the oddest contraption, a kind of maneuverable lift called, I think, a Translift.

As you can see, the container was basically sitting on the ground.

The Translift lifted each corner to allow cribbing (stacked wood blocks) to be placed under each corner to raised the container to a little above level with the foundation.

Steel beams were placed across the foundation, and rollers were placed on the beams. Then as I recall, cables and comealongs were used to get the container onto the rollers.

And in place!

Eliana, by the way, has shown that she is a tree hugger! Such a sweet little girl. 

Actually there were times today that she covered her eyes, because apparently the whe thing was scary for her. But she is only 20 months old, so that's not surprising really.

The whole process will be repeated soon, and the whole thing welded together. Then the roof will be put on, doors and windows installed, and the interior finishing can begin.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Wow. I can understand the lifting and blocks...but what made it move over to the foundation? Was there another machine involved? I'm pretty sure they guys didn't push it by hand from original place over to correct position. What a fun thing to watch!!

    1. Barb, good question! I went back and added that information to the post. Thank you for pointing it out. The container moved easily once those rollers were put under it. The important thing was to get everything aligned perfectly. These guys worked so efficiently they made it look simple. Even so, there was a lot of hard, heavy work involved. Today was one of the men's birthday. He turned 67! And still working just as hard as the others.

    2. Thanks. THat makes sense to me...not being an engineer, but one who still likes to know how things work. It did look so simple. Kudos to the guy who's working out in that job at 67. Not exactly a desk job!

    3. He was a pretty fit looking guy!

  2. Very exciting! I hope that you continue to document the journey so we can see the next steps and the finished product!

  3. I will, Jim! It has sure been interesting so far.

  4. What an amazing project just to set it up.

  5. Wow that is so cool. Very interesting indeed.

  6. So interesting! I bet it was a sight to see it getting moved onto the foundation. Can't wait to see the finished product.

    1. Yes it was, Judy. They just pushed it over, once it was on the rollers.

  7. I'll bet those fellows are used to having an audience - something like that project is always likely to draw interested parties, watching every amazing move. Glad to know it all worked out!

    1. I bet you're right. They seemed comfortable with our crowd!


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