
Thursday, August 10, 2023

Company Coming!

65 again this morning, cool after rsinshowers in the night. Stayed in the 70s today, a welcome respite.

Company is coming tomorrow and I can't wait! Our youngest son (who is somehow 37!) Is coming from Miami, and our grandson (is he really almost 32?) and his girlfriend are flying in from Los Angeles. 

It will be a busy weekend. I've made a casserole, have a big salad ready, and brownies are baked. Plans are laid for a big Sunday breakfast, West Virginia style, with eggs, bacon, biscuits and gravy, fried potatoes and sliced tomatoes. 

Now to just enjoy time with these two boys--er, men!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Enjoy your company!

  2. What fun to have big boys around...with all their great energy and ideas...enjoy your time together (and take photos too)

  3. That sounds like a wonderful weekend! Have a great time, and I hope you'll have nice weather. It poured here again last night, but this morning is lovely and clear - one of those mornings when all things feel possible :)

    1. Waiting on more rain here :/ I just went out to my garden, and it is so weedy! Just being away from it these last two weeks has been disastrous. But, I feel so much better, so I guess it was worth it.

  4. Shocked by a 32-yr-old grandchild.

    1. Lol, he's not the oldest of them! The oldest is 35.

  5. Boys. No matter how old they are your kids and grandkids will always be boys. I tried to figure out the math on how you could have a 37-year-old son and a 32-year-old grandson, but my head started to hurt so I gave up!

    1. Hahaha! My latest post kind of explains it. But it is a joy to see them together again. They spent so much time together when they were youn, they could have been brothers.

  6. Enjoy and have a fun weekend.

  7. Oh, I think I'd add some country ham to that breakfast menu, if I were you. Hope you're enjoying your visitors.

    1. Good suggestion. I think there might be some in the freezer. I am so happy having them home, even if for so brief a visit!


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