
Friday, August 4, 2023

Keeping On Track

65 and a little humid, mostly clear skies after the heavy morning fog burned off.

This has been my view for much of this week.

It's not bad, as views go, and it certainly is comfortable. I haven't been sitting ALL the time though. I've kept the house tidy, laundry done and sorted, washed dishes Larry hadn't got to, all those little things that keep a house running. I even worked on business paperwork yesterday while the electric was off yet again for some unknown reason, running on the laptop's battery. I am still quite sore from the surgery, and get tired more quickly than usual.  To be expected, I guess.

Today a friend came over for a long visit. I prepared a small amount of broccoli and a small cabbage for the freezer and made a big pot of turkey noodle soup and biscuits, while we visited and she chopped up peppers, also for the freezer. 

What I haven't done is gone outside. Well, a little here and there, but I have basically stayed indoors, a rarity for me. But I figure better to not take chances on falling or something silly like that for a while yet. So, I read, do puzzles, put up the odd bit of food, and rest. Ivwas able to stop the pain meds yesterday with no ill effects, so am definitely on the road to recovery. 

Which is a good thing, since Larry decided to spend most of yesterday weedeating and managed to get his back in such an uproar that I had to help him get up when he knelt down to get something. Then I scurried around, finding his muscle relaxer pills, a walking stick, and a heating pad. He had a miserable few hours but thankfully was much better this morning.

Tomorrow the second container may be coming for Sarah's cabin,  and possibly our oldest son and his family too, for a day visit. Should be an interesting day!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Sounds like your body needed the rest. Hopefully tomorrow is not too taxing and everything goes well.

  2. Glad to hear you're taking it easy. And too bad about Larry's back! Hope it's all healed. Wow, you may well have a weekend that is full of excitement. But you're still allowed to go have a lie down if you feel like it!

  3. Take it easy and don't overdo it.

  4. You seem to be making the most of your confinement. Stay well.

  5. Sounds like you are on the right road to recovery. Don't do too much, just yet.

  6. Good luck in your recovery. Be kind to yourself.


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