
Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Nothing Much

64 this morning, overcast and humid.

We have had weedeater woes all summer. Is there anything more aggravating? The main one is in the shop, and the backup has decided not to run. In a place like this, the grass gets out of hand quickly-- we get a lot of rain usually, and our deep soil means thing grow well here. I have trees i grew from seed that are enormous, 40--feet tall shade trees, for example. So not having a dependable weedeater is really a problem. 

So I have been using my little battery powered trimmer to try to keep up. It takes a lot longer, but it does an okay job. Larry does not like it, but even he has resorted to using my trimmer this week. Today I ran it for 2 hours while he cut grass on the rider, and finally I think we have things under control. Which is good,, since it is raining again as i write. I did manage to tangle with the trimmer, and was glad I was wearing jeans!

While I was trimming in and around the garden, I picked a few veggies,  sticking them in my pockets along with the extra batteries for the trimmer. I love pockets. Two squash, a nice mess of broccoli, about a half peck of green beans, a couple tomatoes and three batteries, all stuffed into pockets. 

It always does me such good to get into the garden I am happy with how it is doing this late in the year. Things are dying back but there is still plenty growing: lettuce, celery, kale, chard, Brussel sprouts,  beans, squash tomatoes, cukes,  leeks, butternut squash, pumpkins and probably a few other things are holding on.

Our great-grandson started his first full day of preschool today. Our oldest great-grandchild started 8th grade last week; her brother started 5th grade and her little sister is in 3rd. It is amazing how quickly they are all growing up. The other two great-grands are almost 2, and almost 3 months. 

(I am snapping beans and sipping coffee as I write this, taking little breaks as I think of what to write. A nice way to spend the afternoon, while Larry naps.)

I checked on the grapes while I was in the gardens, and they are ready. So tomorrow it will be back to canning. I have enjoyed this little break, but the grapes won't wait.

We are expecting our oldest son and maybe his family this weekend. Looking forward to that, as it has been many months since we last saw them. So more family time ahead, and it will help me get through the difficult birthday of my late son Jon. Being busy is my best antidote,  and having company is my favorite way of being busy.

Back to the beans. Stay safe, Florida friends!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Ouch! It's going to be inconvenient esp. if you still have to work so much in your garden. Take good care,Sue.

    1. Oh, it is just a bruise, Angie. Doesn't even hurt now. Note to self: do Not turn the trimmer sideways then step into its path!

  2. Nice Christmas colours in that photo. 😁

    I thought you had weedeater toes. I didn't know what they were, so I read on with interest and realized they were woes, not toes. 😁

    1. So sorry to disappoint! Now trying to imagine weedeater toes...

  3. We have a small battery powered weedeater and ended up buying a large one that is also battery powered. Our older gas ones were too much trouble!

  4. Those weedeaters don't last very long. I went through three of them in a few years back when I owned a house.

  5. Thank goodness you were wearing jeans. Even at that it looks a little nasty. People who do the gardening and grass cutting in shorts should take note.

  6. Oh, your poor ankle, thank goodness you had jeans covering your skin. Sorry I am late to this, but hope you are feeling much better.

    We call them 'strimmers' and the woes are the same this side of the pond. I have an electric one, but the garden is really too big to drape cables everywhere, we have a large petrol unit but it is too heavy for me to manage. I'm thinking about a battery version . . .

  7. Lord love your heart, that looks terrible! Your photos are wonderful from your gardens though. After all the complaints everyone has had about the weather, your garden has been very productive in spite of it. I am glad for you. Annie


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