
Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Usual

40 this morning after a breezy, cool day yesterday.  Temperatures have not reached 60 yet this week. Lovely weather. 

Along Joe's Run 

Nothing exciting going on here this week, really. Our young neighbor came over to bring eggs, and visited for a couple hours. It's funny, but up here we consider everyone on the two forks of Joe's Run, as well as everyone along our ridge, halfway down Trace Fork, and about 3 miles along the highway as neighbors.  That is, I suppose, roughly about a 7 mile radius. But we know almost everyone in that area.

Another neighbor came yesterday to get my excess of banana and cayenne peppers, a bushel of pears, and zinnia seeds. We still have 3 bushels of pears in the cellar, which Larry will make into cider today. It makes my happy to share this abundance when we can. 

Oh, and we had this visitor! Actually there were several of them. Monarch butterflies,  making their epic migration south. This is the first time I have seen more than one here on our land, so I was thrilled.  We left some thistles growing here and there this year, as well as planted quite a few pollinators, so perhaps this made a difference?

I was so excited I just took picture after picture. Such a beautiful little creature.

Other than that, I worked on this buffet, and it is almost done. We will take it to one of our booths tomorrow. I also painted a couple small things,  and Larry got two more pieces ready for me, one to paint and one to wax.

On the cabin front, Sarah and her guy are busy, busy.  They made a marathon 5-hour trip to Lowe's,  and built a bed frame and framed up the outhouse, along with several other tasks. We are very, very disappointed with the company she purchased her container cabin from,  Container Homes USA.  Constant delays have set her far back in her plans. I would certainly never recommend this company to anyone. Still, Sarah is forging ahead and doing as much as she can while she waits for the company to do what they promised.

Today I will be planting garlic. I usually don't plant garlic, but just the plants propagate themselves. But I am going to try planting it this time and see if there is any difference in the size or number of bulbs we harvest. And then I suppose I will be processing cider, so that will probably be my day! I hope yours is a good one too.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. wow you even grow your own bananas?! Wish I lived closer :-) Monarch butterflies are really beautiful.

    1. Oh no, don't I wish though! These are banana peppers, a longish yellow pepper that can turn red if left on the vine long enough. They come is sweet or hot varieties, and I grow only the sweet ones. The only hot peppers I grow are the cayenne, which I dry and crush for seasoning. I am going to try making hot sauce with some of them next week, though.

  2. It's funny who country folk consider neighbors compare to city folk. Our neighbors are probably anyone within a mile of us while in the city, people often do not know the people next door!

  3. That is quite true, Jim. Here we not only know them but often know who they're related to and how long their family has lived here!

  4. Yes, I remember growing up in a small town in North Dakota and we knew virtually everyone in town. Now I live in a duplex and barely know the lady who shares it.

    Love the Monarchs!

    1. I think most small towns are the similar to rural areas like mine. Not the norm, though, for more populated areas.
      The butterflies were still passing through yesterday. Sure makes me happy.

  5. I'm amazed that you know everyone in a 7 mile radius! It's taken us years to know just a handful of people in a 2 mile radius...

    1. I wouldn't say everyone, Lisa, but most of them we know or know who they are. Partly because of when our sons were growing up, partly because my husband was a bricklayer and did work for several, partly because I used to be the substitute mail carrier on this route, and partly because I have been here almost 50 years, lol. It adds up.

  6. And there was nothing exciting???
    So fun and wonderful with your neighbors!
    All we have is dinosaurs on top and often yelling and screaming in the hall in our 14-party-house.
    Beautiful butterfly-pics and big wow on your buffet, it´s beautiful.

    1. 14, wow. I would have to drive several miles to find that many homes. I did once live in an apartment for a year when I first married. We knew only 3 or 4 people in our 6-unit building.

  7. Beautiful butterflies. We have neighbors, some nice and others well, you know. :)

  8. Congrats on the Monarchs visitation. Obviously the left here some time ago, but I remember the year that I saw them emerge and fly off. One family had collected a bunch in the chrysalis state (probably wrong term) and had a viewing when the emerged. It was quite a thrill.

  9. I love the idea of making cider with pears - sounds delicious!


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