
Monday, March 3, 2025

Some Good Things

19°f, or -7°C, clear, but clouding up later in the day, with a high of 46°f expected. 

My last post was so angry and depressing that I felt the need to focus on a few good things, just to restore some balance to my soul as it seems more and more bad stuff is coming down the pike. We have to remind ourselves, don't we, that in the midst of this mess there are bright spots of joy. So in random order, here's some of what made me smile this weekend.

Yesterday (Sunday) we drove to Charleston to see a couple shows offered as part of the annual Celtic Calling festival. First was a fine concert by the group Mountain Thyme, who were joined by fiddler extraordinaire Jenny Allinder. This performance was held at a new music store in town called Folklore Music Exchange, and it was standing room only. It was good to be there, among people who shared our love of Celtic music, and to see a few people I had not seen since I quit performing. 

Loved the display of instruments, including a few that looked like they were made from suitcases or something.

The second event we attended was held at Second Story Brewing Company, and was advertised as a reader's theater of 5 one-act plays that were winners of the annual play-writing contest. I love plays do i was looking forward to this, but unfortunately the combination of loud customers and actors who didn't use the mics correctly meant we could hear only bits and pieces, and we left halfway through the 3rd play. Hopefully next year they will have a better venue, or find ways to address these issues.

We had a good time there, anyway. Larry sampled a flight of the brewery's offerings and I enjoyed a glass of wine while we talked, before the show, with a gentleman from Hawaii. He, amazingly, comes to Charleston every winter to care for his elderly parents, who are now 92 and 94 and still living on their own. Other siblings take their turns the rest of the year. 

A little gift to myself arrived Saturday. This is a Royal Albert teacup, decorated with the Canadian flag! So I will be drinking my tea from it and thinking of all of you in Canada as I cheer on your boycott of US goods.

Another bright spot: the forsythia i cut the other day for forcing opened its first blooms today.

Tbere is nothing like forsythia to bring a smile!

I chose to wear this tee shirt to Charleston. It makes me smile too. Do you know what it means?

Ending today with a short clip of the music yesterday.

Now, I must get my biscotti out of the oven! Yet another smile-inducer.

Til next time, friends!


  1. Great visit, great music, great god what has this country done to itself?

    1. You said it, Catalyst. What have they done?

  2. Do I understand your shirt? After a visit with Mr. Google I do now! I love your tea cup.

    1. These days, I feel the need for that shirt here in T-rump country.

  3. ...these days it easy to be anger for sure!

    1. Yes, and it's not good for us to stay in anger, even when appropriate . Trying to find balance.

  4. I'm so glad you were able to get out & enjoy yourself. I love Celtic music too, I would really have enjoyed that!
    We're trying to get some things done this week before Charlie goes back to work. He's been off since Dec 10th after having a quadruple bypass surgery. And we're bracing for tornadoes & high winds tomorrow.

    1. I hope the wild weather bypassed you, Jenny. We are getting some crazy winds too.
      I hope Charlie's return to work goes smoothly.

  5. That is a fine, fine cup and saucer. You do sweeten your tea with Canadian maple sugar, I hope.
    Envy you your Celtic music and I am with you about the noise level some people think is acceptable. Sheesh.

    1. Well, my syrup is from right here in WV, so next best thing to Canadian? Except probate maker voted for the idiot in office, given the red-ness of this state.

  6. My husband would LOVE to visit that music store too. Last time he went to music store and bought a cigar box string instrument. Now I need some fresh homemade biscotti!

    1. I actually have a cigar box ukulele in my booth, Angie!

  7. Beautiful Royal Albert teacup💗. Lovely music on the all-too-short video. I can understand why you enjoyed that evening.

    1. Blogger only allows such short videos, unless I upload them to YouTube first, that I just don't even try to record longer ones. But the music was really good!

  8. It’s early and my hearing aids are away, and my old earbuds aren’t compatible with my new ipad, but I will try to listen to your music later because that is kind of my music. Meanwhile, enjoy your tea. I guess our countries are now engaged in economic battle.

    1. Yes, and brought on by our idiot-in-chief.

  9. The acoustics in most of those breweries is horrible, I could not imagine them trying to do a play in about 90% of those we have been to.

    1. That's true, Jim. Same for many restaurants.

  10. All fun things. I would have really enjoyed the music, too.

  11. A nice day out! What a treat. Yes, there are good things happening too but the ever present bad man keeps making horrible decisions. Daughter #2 was furloughed on March 1 with health insurance only for 30 days. She's applied for unemployment benefits and is madly job hunting.

    1. I am so sorry about your daughter! So unfair to treat people like this. I hope her search will be quickly successful.

  12. We were talking about micro-breweries and how we used to enjoy sampling the different kinds...but could not remember what they're now I know they are a flight of the brewery's offerings! Sounds like your visit was all in all positive (which was your goal for this post, I remember!) and I'm not cognizant of the Gaelic phrase, though of course it's Irish here! OK, I can "Duck Duck" look it up also! Keep on letting me know of any fun times!

    1. I wish I liked beer, but after a sip or two I don't want it.
      Well, the Gaelic phrase on my shirt is a bit offensive shall we say, but it's what I feel like telling a lot of red voters and politicians these days!

  13. Biscotti, forsythia, Celtic music, the wonderful city of Charleston, and the Maple Leaf flag on a Royal Albert teacup, what could be better????? You are living the best life!

    1. It feels like it most of the time, if I can just ignore the political stuff! Used to be so easy to be happy, now I have to try to find the joy.

  14. My mother always brought in Forsythia branches to force. Was always the first sign of spring. Now my daffodils are the first sign. My Forsythia is just now starting to bloom.

    1. I learned this from my mother too, Leslie. My daffodils are growing but it isn't easy for them in this yoyo weather.

  15. I think I would have loved your concert "tour." Sounds like my kind of music. And I love your cup. I'm going to Canada next week and planning on buying a Canadian sweatshirt and/or T and other Canadian foods and such to bring home. I want to support my neighbors to the north! I'm glad you do, too. Love the forsythia!

    1. Good for you, Jeanie! I can only offer them moral support, but I certainly admire their spirit.

  16. You are right, we need to see and live the good we have.
    Wow, why chose tha man from Hawaii your winter to take care of his parents? Brrrr, cold!
    Yes to your new cup!
    Nope, the T-Shirt does not ring a bell here! Would you explain?
    The music reminds me of a piece of Bob Geldof I haven´t heard in a long time!

    1. That man actually chooses to come in winter, Iris. Crazy!
      Ummmm, the shirt is maybe a little offensive? But basically suggests kissing my behind, which is what I feel like yelling at a lot of Trump supporters these days.

  17. It's good to focus on special things when we feel angry and overwhelmed by what is happening, and your visits sound wonderful. Both the music event and the theatre one too although it's a shame you had to leave early. I love the teacup and saucer:)

    1. Yes, self-care is important these days, Rosie, especially in this political climate. I have to remind myself of that daily.


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