How well do you know your folktales and fairytales? See if you can answer these:

1. Girl is turned out by her father, wears a coat of furs she makes herself, becomes a kitchen maid, marries the prince.

2. Cruel stepmother makes girl go to spring for water in cold weather. Girl meets an old woman and helps her. Old woman gives her a special gift. Girl goes home, stepmother sees the gift, sends her own daughter to the spring. Daughter is rude to the old woman, and gets a different gift. Of course, the sweet girl ends up well, and the daughter and mother? Not so well.

3. A man catches a talking fish (don't you love stories? A talking fish!). The fish grants him three wishes if the man throws him back in the river. Man goes home, tells wife about the three wishes. They argue about how to use the wishes and end up wasting them all, and sadder but wiser for the experience.

4. An old man has nothing to eat in his cabin. He goes hunting, taking his three dogs. Doesn't get anything. He returns to the cabin, sees a creature's tail along the wall, grabs it, cuts it off and cooks it. Later that night, hears the creature calling outside his cabin. Calls his dogs who run it off. Creature comes back, this time only two dogs come to chase it. Finally no dogs come and the old man faces the creature alone.

5. A Queen has 12 sons, wants a daughter. Promises a witch that she will give her the sons for a daughter. The girl is born, the King learns of his wife's promise and hides the sons in a faraway place. The girl grows up, is wandering in the forest, gets lost and comes upon a quaint cottage. She goes inside, and soon 12 young men come in--her brothers. They are not happy to see her. They into swans because of a spell the old witch put on them and the only way it can be broken is if the girl makes them each a shirt and does not speak until all twelve shirts are completed and the boys put them on. They fly away. The girl has many misfortunes, but makes the shirts. She is tied to a stake and about to be burned when the 12 swans fly in, grab the shirts from her and put them on. The last shirt is missing a sleeve, so that brother retained a wing when he returned to human form.
So, how did you do?
Tomorrow I'll give the answers with links to the stories. I will not be surprised if there are some readers who know them all.
(I believe all the images on this page are public domain. If you know of one that is not, please let me know).
Well, Susanne, you know me, I don't know many folk tales. But I do know the 2nd one, because you told it to me the other night.
ReplyDeleteI am surprised no one else commented! I am sure some people know these. They're fairly traditional tales. But maybe I assume too much?
ReplyDeleteI knew one of them but I don't remember even hearing the fairy tale about the fish. You're good! I love this kind of quiz!
ReplyDeleteI remember the last one! In my mind, I can still see the drawing of the brother who had to live the rest of his life with a wing. I wonder what happened to him? Do tell us Susanna!
dianna, it's good to see you here! are you starting a blog? I hope so. I think many people would like to read your poems and thoughts.
ReplyDeleteAmy, there is no sequel to the story of the brother who was left with one wing that I am aware of. Perhaps we need to write it?
ReplyDelete"What are you lookin' at?! Ain't ye never seen a wing before?"
ReplyDeletelol! yeah--and with the ways people wear their hair and clothes these days no one would look at him twice! he might start a new fad!
ReplyDeleteI know all of these! Yay! Most of them are Brothers Grimm, no? I read a complete work of their collections a while back. Tailypo always scared me when I was younger. Creepy tale!