
Friday, July 5, 2024

Garden Update

75°f this morning, 23.9°C, humid, partly cloudy. We had a big rain yesterday afternoon, thank goodness. First good one in a long time.

I can't express how relieved I am to get a good soaking at last. Now, if it will just get back to something like normal! If there is such a thing any more.

Some garden pics this morning. I took these before the rain so it really looks more lush now. 

This is the upper end of my garden. I planted kale and more onions behind the asparagus. The lower garden in Larry's.

This is the rattlesnake beans arch. We have picked a couple good bunches from them already. They bloom pink! To the left of them are the tomato plants.

A better view of Larry's garden. In front are beans and corn we planted last week, then tomatoes,  and behind the tomatoes is an arch for lima beans, and Hickory King corn, which I want to try to make hominy with. Been years since I did that. Larry planted more cucumbers under the lima arch yesterday.

My garden. From this view you can see squash in the foreground,  some onions, the 2 early tomato plants,  brussels sprouts, and the strawberry patch smack dab in the middle. We pulled the carrots and the first lettuce and onions, and I replanted that area with 12 cabbage plants, leeks, radishes and lettuce, and also stuck in the last pepper plants. Kinda mudded these in, actually, as the garden was soaked. Put in more squash too.

The cabbages in front are the Savoy, and they are having a hard time. We may get a few heads. If the bugs don't destroy them.

This is the cucumber arch. These guys are determined to NOT climb this year! I think the north-south orientation is the problem; they seem to want to go east and west. We keep putting them back on the arch and they are finally getting the idea.

Our carrots did surprisingly well,  given the lack of rain. I stored then in a way I haven't tried before: don't wash but cut off all the green, pack in zip lock bags with a dry paper towel,  and store in the extra fridge. They will supposedly keep for several months this way. Since we were given a 20 pound box of frozen carrots at the food giveaway last week, I didn't need more frozen ones. I have another small row growing too, so we will have plenty of carrots!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Why? Why would you plant Kale?!?! I bet Larry had enough sense not to plant it! Love the bean arch, but those lazy!

  2. I've never thought about the direction of a trellis for cucumbers. I'll have to remember that. I haven't had a problem before, but maybe that was just luck.

  3. I know that you've had a lot of heat and dryness until recently, but it is looking surprisingly green

  4. are fabulous farmers!

  5. Same sad temps here. Hope it warms up, Ingo got stuff for a BBQ! Your gardens sound great!

  6. I'm sure that rain did wonders for your garden ( which is looking really good).


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