
Thursday, July 4, 2024

On the 4th

4th of July, a quiet time here on the porch to celebrate freedom from royalty and aristocracy. Yeah, we still have a class system whether we want to think so or not, but at least it isn't written into law. My mother was English,  never became a citizen here, but I am ever so glad to be American, troubled as our country is. I remember my Dad in the 70s, saying he was sure we were headed to disaster then, but for better or worse here we still are.

I can hear fireworks going off somewhere, and I know most of the surrounding communities are setting them off. But this year, I am happy to just hear the distant booms and know others are enjoying the spectacle.  For once, we have no dog scared of the booms.  They are right here on the porch with us, and not concerned.

Happy 4th, friends!


  1. I'm had you had a good day.
    ---Cheerful Monk

  2. A quiet but still nice celebration...Dogs get used to all the noises around them.

    1. We had an old black lab who got very scared once in a storm, and was terrified of loud noises ever after. Poor old boy, he would hide under the bed!

  3. It seems that you had a good day.

  4. sounds like you have a wonderful 4th!

  5. Many people dread fireworks because of how badly they affect their dogs. I'm glad that all you heard were distant booms. We don't have a dog, so we enjoy a nice show from our porch from several neighborhoods around. And since the beginning of time, people have been predicting doom. So no matter how bad it seems, we just keep going on. And I feel lucky that I get to live in America.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Some bad typos, trying again. Yes we sometimes forget the good because the bad makes so much noise.

  6. A good day for you and a great one for the dogs.


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