
Wednesday, July 3, 2024


It looks like our little county seat is ready for the big celebration tomorrow! And wouldn't you know, we have the best chance of rain in weeks forecast for tomorrow. I doubt it will dampen people's spirits too much though, because when people are determined to have a good time, they will have a good time no matter what.

This is the bridge over Mill Creek, coming into town from the west (we live about 12 miles east of town). This bridge is named the McGinley Bridge, in honor of the parents of my good friend Suzy; her father was a longtime town councilman, and after his death her mother was Mayor for years. Both good people, well-loved by the community. The current mayor makes sure the bridge is decorated every 4th of July.

On the courthouse lawn, the stage is set up and ready for tomorrow's lineup of events.

And of course, there are food trucks. No event seems to be complete without them these days.

Traffic has been heavy all week, but tomorrow will be the heaviest. The Alpine is our tiny performance theater, where I had the honor of doing many storytelling events during my career.

Of course there is a carnival, the main attraction for my boys when they were young. Back then, you could buy a handstamp for $3.00 and ride all day. We got them for the boys and they vanished because in those days, no one thought a thing about letting kids be on their own like that.

Even our little post office is decked out.

As is Vail Furniture. In business since 1844, they started out building caskets for the pioneer town (the town was established in 1832), and had the singular distinction of providing the casket for John F. Morgan, the last public hanging in West Virginia. Morgan was hung where the girls softball field in now, within the high school complex. His is a complicated story, one I told as part of the annual ghost walk each year. I will have to write it up here one day.

The judges' platform for tomorrow's big parade. Granddaughter Jordan usually sings the national anthem before the start of the parade.

We had to go to the grocery store for dog food, and also run out to the big flea market to do some dealing with a couple of our favorite sellers there, so that's why we were in town today. Where will we be tomorrow? Well, we might go in for the parade, and maybe return later for the fireworks, but if it is too hot or raining, why, we will be right here at home! Yes, we are those old people now, and that's okay with me. It was fun to drive through town this evening and feel the excitement, and that's enough for me.

Just one side note: do people really drink that much pop (soda or whatever it's called where you are( over this holiday?? We saw cart after cart at the store, laden down with every imaginable soft drink. Bizarre. And so unhealthy.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Looks like the town and thou are primed for a good Independence Day.

  2. I gave up carbonated beverages probably 18 years ago now. Tim still drinks a lot more pepsi than he should. I find unsweetened ice tea or cold water to be perfectly satisfying. Even lemonade is too sweet for me these days.

  3. Food trucks seem very popular these days...there are more and more over here too. Wish you a wonderful Independence Day!

  4. To having a good time, no matter what!
    Great bridge-story, too.
    Hmmmmm, I love food trucks!

    LOL, same here, I was sent out for the day and no one cared where we were or what we did - and... believe it, I still live!
    My Brother went to the playground with his daughters every time. I know, cause he called me from there. No freedom for them. They live in a village.

    A ghost walk? Care to share the story here?

    Wow on your Granddaughter!

    LOL, yes, we are those old people, too. Stay home.

    Ingo has a glass of soda in the morning, then coffee and water. Me, tea. But today!!! He left a bit of the soda, so I had that. Hm, well...

  5. ...the postoffice is a classic that was replicated across the country, does it have a WPA mural inside? Happy 4th.


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