
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wordy Wednesday

49°f when I got up at 6am. That's 9.4°C, pretty chilly but what a welcome change. It was 52 yesterday morning, and only a high all day of 72. Currently 75, still just perfect. No rain, of course, and none expected for days. Still watering.

Does the full moon keep you awake? I swear I must be part vampire because I have a difficult time sleeping during a full moon. I was up before 6 yesterday, and went out to try to take a few photos.

This one was by the house; the next were up on the ridge. 

It was lovely, if cold, to be out before the sun came up. Usuallybi am up around 7, but drag around drinking tea and playing the NY Times word games before I get outside. 

Pretty peppers

We had a welcome surprise yesterday, a visit from son #4, who was on his way home from a job interview. He left his job in May, and has taken a break before actively seeking another. It has been very good for him---time to do some things he's wanted to do, rest, spend time with his family. We met him in town for lunch, which was nice because we could just visit. If he had come here, odds are I'd have been cooking and he and Larry would be out in the garage. 

I had a break from the kitchen all day yesterday.  I painted a chest of drawers and the base of a table, caught up my receipts in the spreadsheet, and worked on organizing the knobs and pulls into bins to take to our Ripley booth. Then I finished the book I was reading--a 1929 title by Booth Tarkington titled The Young Mrs. Greeley
I have to say, it wasn't very good. Oh, his writing is excellent, and I enjoyed the slang of the day (like calling someone a jay, to mean silly). But the storyline,  not so much. Basically it is about a wife who gets the big-head after her husband's promotion, and how she is egged on to be jealous of his success but her very jealous friend. Much marital uproar ensues, but the saintly husband remains clueless and saintly throughout. Oh well.. This was not one of the better books by this two-time Pulitzer Prize winner, and even Wikipedia does not list it with his novels. The book came with an auction lot, and I decided to read it before putting it--it's a first edition, very cool old paper--into the box for the booth.

On a sad note, our elderly neighbor Devon passed away on Monday. He was 87, and was recently diagnosed with cancer. It was he who sold us the land we live on, 50 years ago. It was part of his family farm, and in recent years his sons have been trying to convince me to sell it back. Not happening any time soon. Devon remarried in 2020 to a very sweet lady about 10 years younger. I know the whole family will miss him greatly.

A few zinnias from the garden. No deer visits last night, thank goodness.

I am back in the kitchen a bit today, putting up those horrid "wicked weenies" that the family loves. Most unhealthy thing I make! But fortunately I don't make any so they won't kill anyone. Basically, they are cut up hotdogs and banana peppers in a tomato sauce. Supposed to use hot peppers but I use mild and add my hot sauce. I do not like working with hot peppers at all and won't grow any except cayenne for drying.

Well, i certainly have been chatty today. Now,, back to the paint brushes. I may actually finish that table today. 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I like when you're chatty. Those zinnias are gorgeous, as are the peppers.

  2. It starts to feel very much like autumn over's 13C this morning...good neighbours are hard to come by..RIP, Devon!

  3. What a yum-fun-sad-yum post!
    A time out is sometimes good, I had one, too, but oh so sad about your neighbor. But really... both my parents fought cancer endlessly and unsuccessfully in hospitals. Better let it be quick. Also the ones who love them suffer immensly...

  4. ...we were so cloudy, the moon was hiding.

  5. You sound like my mother. She would read any book that came her way whether she liked it or not. :)

    1. Normally I would not finish a book I didn't like, but the writing was good, and it was a quick read. But books with lots of violence, child abuse, or poorly written of that bore me, I put down. I tried a David Baldacci last week, but it did not draw me in at all.

  6. My morning begins much the same although usually earlier than 7: wordle, mini, waffle and sudoku, and usually two sudokus. The joy of being a senior.

  7. Nice that you could meet your son and have a little time with him. Sorry about the neighbor. If I was reading a book I didn't enjoy, it's off to the charity shop. Glad your weather has cooled a bit and now you need a bit of rain. Have a wonderful day!

  8. Unexpected time with your son! That would be wonderful.

  9. Thanks for comments on my blog. I finally found your most active one and have it saved to visit too.

  10. We have had cloudy skies all week so I missed the full moon ( but the cool days are welcome). I'm glad your zinnias were safe from dem deer.

  11. Lots of interesting things to read about your day, good to have time with your son. Your early morning photos are lovely:)


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