
Monday, August 26, 2024

Still Here

70°f this a.m., or 21°C. Hot, dry weather.

We are back to the horrible heat this week, with highs near 100 predicted.  And still no rain in sight. We are still trying to water as much as we can, but it hurts to see what is happening to my flowerbeds. They are November-ugly, that's a fact. I am so very, very tired of this summer. At least a few roses continue to blithely bloom, as if they are quite used to such awful heat and drought.

It has been some busy days since my last post. I spent Thursday painting furniture, pricing stuff for the booths, making applesauce, and finally finishing up the display unit for knobs and hardware. Friday was booth day. We took in a big load, including that display. 

Saturday we cleaned up the house, porch and deck in the morning, then went to our friend Rachel's going-away party. Our oldest son George arrived later, and we went to the wake for our neighbor Devon who passed last week. Then we went out to dinner and were joined by son Derek and his daughter and grandson. Derek had just finished up the golf tournament he helps put on every year for the VFW, so he was dog-tired, but he didn't want to miss an opportunity to see his brother who lives on the opposite side of the state and doesn't get home much. George stayed the night, leaving Sunday morning. 

Larry and I were both worn out for some reason, and didn't do much after George left. I listed things on eBay, and Larry worked on a dressing table. Our neighbor's funeral was at 2pm, but it was 95° by then, and I just could not face the heat. Thankfully son Derek attended to represent our family.

Sunday evening we drove to Parkersburg for the birthday party for our granddaughter Haley's partner. I didn't really feel like going, but I knew it was important to Haley. We found out why it was important to her soon after we got there, when she went down on one knee and proposed to Desiree'! We are very happy for them both. Our son Aaron was at the party with his wife, and son Derek was there as well, so this week I have seen quite a lot of my boys, which makes me very happy indeed. I only wish my Florida son was closer.

It was late when we got home, but we were up early this morning to get the watering done, and Larry picked a nice mess of beans, along with some squash, cucumbers and tomatoes. He spread some garden netting the other day to try to protect more of our plants, as the deer are increasingly hungry and brave. We made more applesauce too (which will be used this fall to make apple butter), and after that I made dinner, then sat down to catch up with all of your blogs.

Now, we are back into appliance repair, as the used washer our son gave us last month has started making a fearsome racket. I doubt we can fix it, but might as well try! Wish us luck.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. What a summer! You sure need a break from the heat.

  2. We had quite a break from the heat. It is due to be back into the 90s tomorrow, but we had nights with temperatures in the 40s. Wonderful sleeping weather.

  3. Sorry to hear about your awful temperatures. Whew!! Good to hear that you got to visit with your sons. That's life, eh? The good and the not-so-good.

  4. You are always busy....seriously take some time off, dear Sue. I guess being busy has become a habit for you. Hope you get some rain soon. I miss sunshine...we have a really mild summer...I haven't got enough Vd from the sun...might have to supplement this winter.

  5. The heat is coming our way. Your weather is usually about a day ahead of ours if it follows the normal pattern of moving west to east. It's always good when we get to see our kids, and I'm glad that you got some visits in this week.

  6. Sorry to hear about garden being baked by the heat. Hope you can save much of it with watering. We're going back up close to 90s in afternoons, and perhaps will be getting some rain at the weekend.

  7. The heat sounds unbearable, stay cool and drink cold beverages, which I know you are probably doing. :)

  8. Same temps here in KY and many of my plants can't take it, despite watering. Like you, I am tired of this summer.

  9. Too cold her for my liking but yipeee, thanks to my admin my private PC is back online again.
    Yay to the proposal. I never had that. (we got married for in case I die first,og, romance ;-)...)
    You work a lot!

  10. I've been struggling with the heat where I live up here in Massachusetts. As badly as I want more rain for my garden, more rain also hurts my husband's carpet cleaning business so it's kind of a catch 22. But it does sound like you had a wonderful time with your family. Congratulations to your granddaughter!


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