
Thursday, January 9, 2025

All's Well Again

14°f this morning, cloudy but then mostly sunny the rest of the day. Clear tonight, beautiful moon and stars. 

And now the truck is unstuck! 

And the tractor got started, the driveway got plowed, and even the four-wheeler got running. 

Amazing what two men can accomplish when they get their heads together. And they had a good time doing it too.

My job was to make some cookies, keep the coffee hot and plentiful, and be the cheerleader from the safety of the porch. I think I did a good job too.

Chocolate crinkle cookies for the guys. 

Now we can go out if we want to. I have no need to go anywhere, and apparently we are in for a bit more snow tomorrow night and Saturday. So I will continue as I have been for the past week, happily cleaning out corners, canning stuff, catching up paperwork, and reading.

I am pretty sure Larry will find it necessary to go out tomorrow, though, and that's fine. Sometime soon we need to treat Derek to breakfast at his favorite place, since he gave up his whole day helping Larry. Not that he minded!

And he found our two dogs who took advantage of the nice track Larry had made up the driveway to visiting down the holler. We had put the word out on Facebook, but Derek found them on his way home, about 3 miles down the road. The two bad boys have slept ever since they got home, and have carefully avoided eye contact with me. We will have to go back to only letting Buddy out if he's on the lead. A pity,  as he was really enjoying his freedom this week. 

It's supposed to get down to 4°f tonight, our coldest night so far. I can't help but be a little bit pleased about that; we need the ground to freeze good and deep and kill off a bunch of the nasty bugs. We had way too many of them last year. Time for some natural population control.

I have been following the news about the California fires. How very terrible. A few years ago I visited grandson Jared in LA, and he took me for a drive up the coast highway to a winery up above Malibu. It was so beautiful,  and to see it now, such destruction,  is shocking. Those poor people. I know some are blaming the government for not providing enough resources, not clearing the ground of dead stuff, etc, but honestly, with winds like that I don't see how those fires could have been contained. All those embers! It is like seeing a nightmare come to life. Our little problems with snow seem ridiculous by comparison. 

Enough for now--- back to one of my Christmas murder mysteries!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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