30°f, about -1°C, overcast.
Yesterday and the day before were beautiful, and finally showing a break in the cold with some sun and warmer temperatures. Today was supposed to be pleasant too, but has been overcast and feeling much colder than the eventual high of 46°f. Rain will move in tonight, and we have a flood watch as heavy rains will quickly melt the remaining snow--and there is actually quite a bit left. The ground is still hard as a rock under the thin mud covering. Delights, delights.
We picked up Sarah Tuesday in Columbus, which is about 2.5 hours from here. An easy trip, just traffic and a truck wreck slowing down our return home. We have so been enjoying her company! She leaves Saturday so it's a short visit this time.
Monday we worked a bit in the booths, and still have much more to do. But here's a look at a few things.
Chenille bedspread and quilts.
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