
Thursday, January 30, 2025

Booth Update

30°f, about -1°C, overcast. 

Yesterday and the day before were beautiful, and finally showing a break in the cold with some sun and warmer temperatures.  Today was supposed to be pleasant too, but has been overcast and feeling much colder than the eventual high of 46°f. Rain will move in tonight, and we have a flood watch as heavy rains will quickly melt the remaining snow--and there is actually quite a bit left. The ground is still hard as a rock under the thin mud covering. Delights, delights.

We picked up Sarah Tuesday in Columbus,  which is about 2.5 hours from here. An easy trip, just traffic and a truck wreck slowing down our return home. We have so been enjoying her company! She leaves Saturday so it's a short visit this time.

Monday we worked a bit in the booths, and still have much more to do. But here's a look at a few things.

Chenille bedspread and quilts.

Nice antique flat file, and hankies on top.

Blenko jack-in-the-pulpit vase looks pretty interesting with that teal bowl behind it.

Lots of pretties...

A bit of pink and white for Valentines Day.

His and Hers vintage pillowcases, still in their original package. 

I love this chair,  uncalled by my friend Kim, but just could not find a place for it in my home.

Rustic grapevine table with a large Watts Pottery bowl on top.

Furniture is moving very slowly right now. Hoping someone might have a nice tax return and wants one of these---or both!

Pretty Spring colors.

I use old suitcases for storage at home, stacked to make tables.

Tins were hot, but demand has slacked off 

A vintage pajama set from Japan, never taken out of its gift box.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. January is usually slow for will get better.

  2. Oh, you really do have a lot on sale! Love especially the turquoise spring-items! Hope you find loads of customers.

  3. You have a lot of interesting things at your booth. I'm not a glass person at all, but I like that Blenko Jack-in-the Pulpit. I've not seen anything like it.

  4. We will be getting some breaks from the cold, but that will likely mean cloudy and still ~ freezing. The recent, well-bundled walks in the bright cold were rather refreshing

  5. ...when I was in the nursery business, I quickly learned that color sells!

  6. It's always interesting what's hot and what's not. I love the furniture you shared and you have some lovely things in your booth. (That grapevine table is intriguing to me.) I'd certainly be challenged not to buy if I stopped by!

  7. Wonderful looking goodies...I'm glad you've got them for sale, and am sure someone will just grab them up pretty all! A friend used to own an antique store, and was talking with another retailer about doing a booth somewhere...hasn't decided yet. Our area does have lots of shoppers sometimes.

  8. Ok, I spied a white plate with blue trim on one of your shelves. It's the shelf with the white pitchers but now I see there's another blue plate behind the pitchers. I'm interested in them. Can you send me a better photo when you get back to that booth and the prices?

  9. You have some very colorful delights waiting to find their new owners. Is that Buddha a coffee or tea mug? Were I there I'd probably have to have it.

  10. You have some good items in your booth. I agree with the above comment, January is usually a slow time.

  11. You have some great stuff. I am a sucker for cobalt blue things, so I was studying your glassware very carefully! I think that the weather has slowed people down. They just aren't interested in adventures when it is cold and blowy and snowy.


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