30°f, about -!°C, overcast, clearing later, high of 41°f. Snow and ice almost gone, lots of flooding in the state but none locally.
7:30am: rise and shine! Tea and a scone with granddaughter S who has been visiting us the past few days
9:00am: leave the house after taking care of critters.
9:20am: arrive at Tudor's Biscuit World (if you know, you know!) for breakfast with granddaughter S and son Derek.
10:00am: meet up with granddaughter J to drop off granddaughter S. Meet new grandson-in-law, get awesome hugs from great-grands. They all leave for trip across the state to meet up with their sisters and stepmother/birthmother (it's complicated).
10:30am: quick stop at favorite thrift, where almost everything is a quarter. Really.
11:00am: arrive in Ravenswood to work on our booths. Still trying to catch up after this month's snowy days.
1:00pm: arrive at our favorite lunch place, WV Artisan Market. Have lunch with our friend Bill.
2:00pm: begin unloading at our second booth location at Farmhouse Market Finds in Ripley.
3:30pm: finish up the booth work and head for home. Make plans to visit son Aaron and family, and granddaughter H tomorrow.
4:00pm: arrive home, unload empty totes, take care of dogs and cat. Chase Buddy the dog who breaks through the new, more powerful electronic fence (SMH!). Do a little yard cleanup (Larry), and housework (me).
5:00pm: take down winter decor and pack away, dust, put out Valentines Day decor (me). Take care of chickens and bring in wood for the fireplace (Larry).
6:00pm: wine time, fire time, doggie petting time and movie time! Tonight's viewing--Lady from Shanghai, starring Rita Hayworth and Orson Welles.
8:00pm: Larry heads to bed, I read, check Facebook, write this blog.
10:00pm: bedtime!
PS: for those who have asked, my knee is slowly improving, still often painful and doesn't have the range of motion I had before surgery. Often keeps me awake at night but Tylenol PM and gabapentin help immensely. Pretty sure I have a problem with a ligament on the outside of my calf that is causing these issues, and not the knee replacement itself. I will see my PCP this Friday so will be asking about that. Thank you so much for asking and caring.
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