19°f, about -7.5C this morning. And not snowing for the first time in several days! Mostly cloudy all day, warmed up to 37°, a regular heat wave.
It has been just a nice day, one of those where nothing big happens, and nothing much is on the agenda.
I talked to my oldest son this morning, who was sitting on a beach on St. Thomas in the Virgin Islands! This son is a quiet guy and doesn't often think to call and let me know what's going on in his life---my sister actually sent me this photo of him on the front page of her local paper (she just lives one county over from him). He's the guy on the right.
Did he think to send this picture along to Mama? Of course not, but in his defense, as president of his bank he is often in the paper for various community things. Still, I am always happy to see pictures of any of my crew.
When he asked what we had been up to, what could I say? We really haven't been up to anything worth talking about. Just the ordinary stuff of our usual life: coping with the weather, dealing with the dogs and the booths, etc. The only thing I could think of that was halfway exciting was getting 3 new chickens! How pathetic is that.
It made me sort of wistful for the old storytelling days, when I was so busy, either researching, recording CDs, traveling, teaching, and what have you. But then I remember how tired I would be and how I longed for some extended time of doing absolutely nothing, and I settle back in my chair with my book or phone very contentedly.
So what did we do today? Well, let's see. Larry took the dogs for 2 long walks, and worked on a couple furniture repair projects. I did the usual cleaning, sorted laundry, sorted out the totes we brought home from the booths, cleared up clutter, cleaned some silver, did my exercises ....and that's about it. How boring. And yet, somehow very satisfying.
And since I did nothing photoworthy, here's a few pics from the booths yesterday. At least I actually did do something Friday! And we had a nice lunch with a couple friends, and stopped to chat with our neighbor Dave on the way home, so it was a good day.
A seated Buddha, and part of a Ouija board thingies that we found in a table that came from a Masonic Lodge in Marietta, Ohio.
I didn't think to take any pictures at our other location, so that will have to wait until our next visit.
Tomorrow is auction pickup day, so we'll be over in Ohio again. Always a fun time, seeing what we won, and maybe I can convince Larry to take one of the many back ways to the auction house.
Right now, I am going to finish my cup of Constant Comment tea, and enjoy this lovely fire.
(Re-did the mantle with some of my Niagara Falls stuff, which I seem to have accumulated.)
Stay well, friends.
...taking the back ways sounds good to me!