
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Teachers, Appalachian culture, and storytelling--what do they have in common?

Sometimes a gig is so good it's difficut to write about--I just want to savor the memory, go back over what made it a memorable experience. Last Saturday was like that. The strangest part was that it was a freebie--no payment for this one.

A friend's brother asked me to do two presentations for a teachers conference on Appalachian culture. I said sure--it's a slow time of year for me for storytelling and it was my favorite topic. I prepared some handouts, sent them out for printing and reviewed my notes.

The night before the conference the weatherman began warning of snow. Great. I live 50 miles from the conference site, not a big deal since I drive to that city every day, but doing a freebie and driving in the snow to do it, early on a Saturday morning? Still, I had promised, so I got the car packed, set the alarm and was ready to go in the morning--and of course, there was no snow after all.

The teachers were astounding-receptive, participatory, understanding what I was saying, enjoying the stories and adding perceptive comments to the discussion. As usual, I learned from the experience too, because of the insights they offered.

I sold out every book and CD I brought with me, made some excellent contacts for possible performances at schools, and got back in my car filled with energy and the knowledge that it was good, that I had something to offer them, and they gave back to me with their enthusiasm and interest.

A completely good day.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mom! Just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy these and check here regularly to see what's going on. Keep it up! George


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