It was cold outside--at 9:30pm last night the temperature was 8 degrees on the porch. Could we leave them outside? Of course not. Allergies notwithstanding, they all had to come in:

Baby, the
cocker spaniel who thinks she's a cat and looks like a sheep, the one I am highly allergic to, unfortunately,

Jeb, the elder statesman, who came from Jaime's house to live with us this Fall,

...and Otis, the shelter puppy who won our heart. Here he guards his hickory nut; it's his chew toy in the house. Don't ask me why; it's an Otis thing. Don't get between Otis and that nut!
The dogs love it. My allergies hate it. Larry was resigned to doing a good vacuuming job after the dogs go back outside. But who could leave them outside on such a night?
Not me.
I know what you mean. I'm ok with the dogs in but I am sooo allergic to our cats. Baby Girl (we miss her so) kept to her own areas of the house but our tom cats have been on our bed all night. My eyes are red and swollen and I'm coughing and stuffed up. Bless them. They want out to roam now. Meowing loudly! Too cold I keep telling them.
ReplyDeleteI am so glad to here you brought the babies in for the night. I never leave my pets out The cats always stay in and the dog (a pug) only goes out long enough to potty.
ReplyDeleteUnfortuantly most beeds now days are not able to stay outside due to the years of breeding they have had. I know as a child a lot of people, especially "country" people kept the dogs out all night and they slept up under the don't see tht as often.
Franklin, my cat, sleeps in bed with me. He's usually laying on my head or really close to me when its cold like this.
ReplyDeleteHe's also got an affinity for nuts. I think its because they roll and make noise at the same time. Of course he's getting his big teeth now and they're good chewtoys, too.
my cody, an working english springer spaniel (now retired!) sleeps on our bed with me until swampy comes to bed, then he moves himself to his own bed int he bedroom :)
ReplyDeletei love otis and his nut!!!
by the way i am doing a history degree with the long term aim of going into conservation of some kind
I think you'll have to keep them in all day today. It's 8:30 and still 7 below on our deck thermometer! Hope everyone else with pets remembered to bring them in for the night.
ReplyDeleteour pets! They're really family members aren't they?
ReplyDeletePatty, our dogs are farm dogs and gnerally stay outside most of the time. My alleriges won't allow for them to be in the house. The cocker used to be a house dog until we discovered that she was the biggest source of the major respiratory problems I was having. She adapted quickly to the outdoors and we have to carry her inside now! But when it's under 10 degrees, all the dogs come inside.
The wild kitties are still wild and seem to fend well for themselves--Larry has put an old slepping bag for them inside a cat carrier and they burrow in there.
Jason, I'm glad to know Otis isn't the only nut lover around! BTW, I've tried to leave comments on your blog but can't get through the word verification no matter how many times I try.
You are so good to them, and they are so cute. I can't have furry or feathery friends here if I want to continue to breathe. The little tree frog is doing well, though, and can stay until spring. He just chirped to the Cosby show, so he's apparently recovered from the gigantic cricket I gave him yesterday. I took it back out when I realized it was half his size and gave him a smaller one. I guess I'll name the big one Jiminy and let him stay a while, too.
ReplyDeleteI do have to say... those dogs love it outside. Jeb is a new man since he moved from our small home in the suburbs to all his land in the country. I miss him and still have dreams about him but I'm so happy he's able to run and be free. And I feel so lucky that Susie and Larry take such good care of them and make sure that they are warm on nights like last night. Here the windchill was -15 degrees. No school today.
ReplyDeleteI just saw this and had to laugh.
ReplyDelete"can't get through the word verification no matter how many times I try.
Susie, do you have the same trouble I have? I can go those captcha things 20 times and still not be able to get them right. I can't read them. I get so frustrated with myself.
Ah, sacrificing for the ones we love, LOL. Sweet puppies. I know your allergies must be acting up, but I bet you're doubly glad to have the whole family warm and safe.
ReplyDeleteJaime, most of the time it's okay, but for some reason Jason's is more difficult and I just can't do it right no matter how many times I try.
ReplyDeleteI prefer to just monitor the comments and delete anything that is objectionable. I've only had to do that twice, so I think it's worth not having the word verification.
And what about your chickens? Are they staying warm and their water thawed? Batsy
ReplyDeleteIt was 2 here this morning! BRRR for sure. Ruby Sue our little dog stays inside all the time-but last night we felt sorry for our neighbors dog-Mr. Bill so I herded him into our basement for the night. He didn't even make a peep all night guess he was glad for the shelter.
ReplyDeleteOur chickens tough it out, Batsy. I worry about their combs freezing but they do have a heat lamp in their coop, lots of straw bedding and we have an electric water warmer that keeps their water from freezing. We have one for the dog's water too.
ReplyDeleteOn my porch this morning, it was .3 degrees! I've never seen a temperature like that. Our digital thermomenter reads temps in tenths, so I've seen things like 13.2 degrees, etc. But .3? Never. It was 2 below when I drove through town on my way to work.
One year our rooster's comb did freeze, even with a heat lamp. He did okay after that, but we changed his name to Slick-Top. He didn't have any serrations anymore. Our cold spell came before all the snow this year but the new heater for the chicken waterer kept the water thawed. Batsy
ReplyDeleteOur chickens have had their combs clipped by cold in the past too. I don't tihnk there's anything that can be done about it, and they seemed to do fine with their shorter 'do's.