
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Home Time

This time of year I get to stay at home a lot more than the rest of the year. Storytelling work is scarce in January, and even the sales at our booths slow down. It's a time to rest, recuperate and rediscover the joys of just being a homebody.

Last week I went out very little, and this week has been the same; three or four days will pass without me getting in the van. Larry and I start our days slowly with tea and coffee, computer time, breakfast--and then we finally get dressed, sometime between 8 and 10.

You would think we'd run out of things to say to each other. You would think that we've already said everything that needs to be said in the 30 years we've been together. And yet we talk all the time--about memories, projects, things we've read or heard. We never bore each other, which is a good thing since we're together almost 24/7.

I like the thinking time. Larry often goes outside or into his workroom for long periods of time or sometimes heads into town on errands, and I have quiet time to just think. Not that I am still--I stay busy as ever with cleaning or painting or laundry or whatever needs to be done. But my mind is free to wander about, to see and wonder in a different way. It's very like weeding the garden, really; those hours are golden times of reverie. Memories crowd in or an idea for a poem or story or blog post takes hold.

During the busy months from April through December times for quiet thought are rare and treasured but now they are a luxury of riches, and I am enjoying it, every minute. The pace will pick up soon enough, but for now I will sit with my tea and a book or magazine in the mornings and wait for the sun to rise while Larry checks his Facebook and the day slowly unfolds.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy this quieter time of year, the house is too cold, but it feels close around me and comfortable.


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