
Thursday, December 28, 2017


Old Man Winter took the Solstice to heart, and is making himself known around here.

A little more snow yesterday morning, and a whole lotta cold right behind it. Three degrees this morning. Brrrr.

But I should not complain. Those in the Great Lakes region have a lot to deal with right now. And my friend in Minnesota said it was -23 yesterday morning. So, zip my lip. Could be a lot worse.

So I am inside today, working on pricing this pile of stuff we picked up yesterday. A fine picking day, even if it was cold. This, and FINALLY finishing those chairs that have waited on me since October--I didn't like the fabric for them and bought new the other day which I like a lot more. I am glad I didn't cover them before since I would not have been happy with them. They are in the photo with the stuff to be priced, along with the table that will go with them.

Turkey rice soup on the stove today. This is perfect soup weather! Thinking about making some bread to go with it but we'll see.

The feeders are busier than ever in this cold weather.
Stay warm, friends!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Likewise on the busy bird feeder! and for the first time I set up one of my bucket de-icers in a rubber feed basin with a stone sticking up from the water so the wild birds can stand on the rock or the rim of the pan and get a drink if they need one, It's so cold that when I pour water in the goats' extra bucket, it has a layer of thin ice across the top before I've finished feeding. (They've got a bigger bucket with a de-icer in it, too.)

  2. We are in single digits here too and looking for -17 Sunday night. We have survived this artic cold in years past and we will again. Have fun with your 'finds' and stay warm!


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