
Sunday, December 23, 2018

Solstice Night

I meant to post these photos yesterday but like most of you, I expect, I got very busy very early. No time for blogging!

So taking a few minutes this morning to put them up. We had a lovely, quiet, rainy evening. No outside bonfire this year! Rain fell in buckets, or so it seemed, so we were indoors by the fire with our party for two and a good movie. It was a lovely evening.

Cheeses, bread, fruitcake, tomatoes and oranges, with a little glass of brandy. Perfect.

Let there be light!
Today I am back in the fray of baking and generally getting things ready for the holiday soon to be upon us. Sometimes I miss the days when the boys were young and the house full of excitement. We'd be waxing and buffing the floors on this day, dusting and cleaning and the big, live tree would be sparkling in the corner. Those were good times, and so are these quieter ones when it's just the two of us snug by the fire.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Your fireplace with all the candles is just beautiful. It is different when it's just the two of you, isn't it? Will you have family home at some point over the holidays? -Jenn

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  3. Sounds perfect! And I only wish I could see enough of my floor to polish it. Things are pretty terrible in terms of the indoor situation here right now, but that area around my tree is looking great ;)

  4. I love everything with an amber glow. Your home makes me feel like I could feel at home the moment I sat down.

  5. We had our family Christmas today. There was no snow; no white Christmas but it was a lovely day with all our Children and grandchildren here together together. πŸ’•πŸ’•

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