
Saturday, March 9, 2019

Days of Simple Things

We are not into any big projects these days. One day is much like another except for storytelling events and booth work. I like this pace.

We start slow and gain momentum as the day goes on. Coffee and tea, time on computer or tablet, making the bed and getting dressed and then finally breakfast while we listen to the BBC world news and discuss what we need to do for the rest of the day. I'll start the laundry, one of us will sweep and/or mop, and he'll take care of the critters. All the mundane things that keep a house going.

Today was shopping day. I needed stamps (when did they get so expensive!), so first stop was the post office. Then I needed to return something to Walmart (called Hellmart with good reason by one friend) and go to the bank. He needed rubbing compound for a little tricycle we're fixing up and I needed purple duct tape for a hanging swing that needed some of its colorful plastic weaving put back in place.

We could do and get all of those things at Walmart, one of the small benefits of that place. I dislike going there, and today didn't make me feel any better about it. I waited at the in-store bank for service for about 20 minutes. Then waited another 20 minutes in line to return my item. Ugh. I was very glad to be done and out of there--but I did get my purple duct tape!

After Walmart we went to our little favorite thrift store to dropoff some things. No great finds today, just a couple sheets to use for dropcloths. Then it was grocery store time. Not my fun place either, but it has to be done. Finally home, to unload and put away--which also included the stuff I'd brought back from our booths in Marietta yesterday. We got in too late to unload it last night, so it just rode around with us today.

I made a quick dinner of ham, scrambled eggs with cheese, sliced tomatoes and toast. We were so hungry it tasted like a feast. Phone calls from two sons came after dinner, just to chat and catch up before I got back to work on cleaning up and putting away. A great thunderstorm,complete with dazzling lightning passed through and one bolt was so close I could smell the ozone it left behind. Pretty cool.

Tomorrow we will have company for breakfast, so we'll be up early--actually, very early since it's Spring Forward time. I'll be making biscuits, gravy, sausage, bacon, and a fruit bowl. Just good country food to go with good conversation.

I know you're thinking, what an exciting life! Not!  But it sure is pleasurable,  and it's these simple pleasures that make me happy. Tonight, fireplace and a movie--more of the little things.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. In fact it is an exciting life. Plenty of us would like congenial company, shared chores, shared interests. It sounds wonderful.

  2. I was thinking what a pleasant-sounding life :)

  3. Sounds like a good life to me. You are wise to take joy in the simple things!

  4. A calm ordinary unexciting life is my favorite. For the most part that's what we live....except for the hard work of keeping my 16 month old grandson about 40 hours a week now. It's super fun & super exhausting!

    We love Walmart here but I do live near their headquarters so they may work harder to keep the stores running well. Though I never go in on the weekends or just after school lets out if I can help it at all. I love their grocery pick up! I place my order online, set a time to pick it up & just pull in. They bring it out & load my's wonderful.

    I love hearing about your simple days.


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