
Friday, March 1, 2019

Stories and Booths and Rabbits, Oh My!

Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit! And Happy St. David's Day to my Welsh friends! I saw this site with all kinds of great recipes to celebrate the day.

We woke to ice on the trees, everything wet once again from overnight rain, and cold temperatures. March has certainly come in like a lion, even if a bit on the tame side.

Larry has been cutting up the big oak that fell in the yard and we are having nice fires in the evenings as a result of his work. He was worn out this morning, but after a nap this afternoon he's back out there again. His knee is doing great. He's been released by his home health nurse and has only one more week of therapy from the hone health physical therapist. The EZ Stretch guy came and picked up the stretching machine Larry's been using--all good things.

What have I been up to? All sorts of things, actually. Tomorrow is the first of the Celtic presentations for this Spring so I have been putting final touches on the photo show we'll be using as part of the presentation. I so wish we had more time--I think next year we'll bill it as a 90 minute program because we're really crowding it to get everything into one hour. Here's a peek at the display I'm putting together to go with our stories and ballads:

I'm still doing a bit of sorting out, going through drawers, etc and cleaning out the junk. Amazing what accumulates. I cleared two whole drawers of a chest of drawers. We realized that we seldom if ever even opened those drawers, so what was in them? Turns out it was just odds and ends. photos, and then a lot of clothes we no longer wear.

We went junking again on Wednesday and came home with a load of stuff! This is most of it:

I've already made back what we spent, just through two or three ebay sales, and have lots more to sell. This was the prize of the day, I think, and it's already sold: a Fenton mortar and pestle that apparently is quite rare. The last one I found that sold online was back in 2015.

So I had all that stuff to sort, wash up, and now I'm pricing it or putting it on ebay. Lots of work but worth it in the end.

We restocked our Marietta booth this past weekend,

and took more things to Ravenswood this week, but no photos there as the mall had to close early for family reasons, so I hurried. I'll take some next week when we go back.

Stuff in, stuff out is the name of this game! It's nice to see sales picking up as people are getting out a little more. A few days of decent weather put everyone in a happier mood.

I'd best get back to work. I need to get my van loaded for tomorrow--sound system, display, etc--and better get it done while it's not raining.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. I was just thinking we haven't seen a booth update for a while! That mortar and pestle is beautiful. I actually looked at a wide variety of them on ebay and etsy a while ago, when my doctor suggested I try a medication that would require grinding up a pill and diluting it. I wanted to find something kind of old or special since it would live on my kitchen counter, but ended up with plain white porcelain. I'm not surprised you sold that pretty one right away!


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