
Monday, April 8, 2019

First Salad

This is what I look forward to every Spring: the first bowl of fresh salad.

This one has lettuce and radishes from our hot bed, with a few daylily greens chopped up, some violets and violet leaves, dandelion leaves, and shepherd's purse. I have a green onion set aside for Larry to put in his because I cannot stand raw onion in anything.

To go with it, homemade poppyseed dressing. The dressing is easy to make. I use my vintage mayonnaise maker to mix it up. Here's the basic recipe:

1/3 cup white sugar
1/2 cup white vinegar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp ground dry mustard

Put these 4 ingredients in your blender or mayo maker and mix well.

Add 1 cup vegetable oil in a slow steady stream so it emulsifies completely.

Stir in 1 tbsp poppy seeds.

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Oh my! Salad already! We're still looking at a chance of flurries this week. Why do I live here?? That dressing sounds good. -Jenn

  2. We try to get a jump on Spring, Jenn, and sometimes it works :) But look on the bright side--you won't have to start cutting grass as soon as we do!

  3. I need to build a cold frame. You are eating fresh already and I'm just ready to put the radish and lettuce seed in.

  4. You are ahead of us with your redbuds. I love it when they bloom. So pretty. My daffodils are putting on quite a show--and so is the forsythia. Spring has finally chased old man winter away...I hope.


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