
Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 45: What's for dinner?

51 this morning, cloudy but sun later on, with a good breeze. More rain is on the way tomorrow, they say. So I hope we get in the garden this evening to plant a few things; right now Larry is mowing grass because that also needs to be done before it rains.

Can you guess what was for dinner today?

Ham, grated cheddar, sauteed onions and mushrooms, spinach, eggs...

If you said quiche, you'd be right! I've had it on my mind to make since I had a couple frozen pie shells tucked away. So delicious, especially with a dollop of our homemade salsa on top and a side of asparagus fresh from the garden.

We realize we're lucky. We have hens that keep us well supplied with eggs, a freezer full of a variety of meats and veggies, and a cellar full of jars of goodness. As I listened to the concerns about the nation's meat supply, though, I worried about how people will manage. Especially since it also sounds like the price of produce will be going up because of a lack of workers to harvest the fields. All of this could make a person feel smug if they're stocked up and prepared, but it just makes me worry about those who can't grow or hunt for their own food.

Now we're wondering, should we fence in "the flat" and get a calf to raise for beef? We're not big beef eaters, preferring venison, but if pork will be in short supply, maybe it's an option. We'd planned to go in on raising a couple hogs with a neighbor, but right now the price of baby pigs is $100 or more each. That's way too high to be worth the time, feed and energy to raise them--or is it? Maybe it will be a small price when meat skyrockets later on.

Sober thoughts on this beautiful afternoon. Our tummies are full and it seems silly to worry about the what ifs, but maybe even sillier not to?

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. Love quiche. No animals-vegetarian 30 years or do!!! Love your blog.

    1. Best and easiest solution to the current meat crisis, LOL! We don't eat meat every day, or even very much when we do eat it. I think that's because for seven years I was vegetarian--and because as a child meat was not a regular feature on our plates. Same for my husband--they had beans more than meat! 30 years as a vegetarian--you must have developed quite a few good recipes over that time. Way to go!

  2. We have a local "store", (really just a building), that is supplying my small community with non-homogenized milk, meat, lunchmeat, cheese and hothouse vegetables. I am SO thankful. I had chickens, a few years ago, and am missing them now.


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