
Monday, May 25, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 70, 71 & 72: Memorial Day Weekend

Weather? Hot. 85, 86, and 90. Also humid, the kind of days when sweat drips from your face at the least exertion. From the 40's last week to this. Nice for those who want to be swimming and boating though.

We have been focused on yard and garden work. We planted cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, onions and radishes. Still more planting to do but we are making headway.

Yesterday morning we got up early to go to the grocery store. The alarm went off at 5:30 am, earlier than I had set it for but it was a blessing in disguise. We got up and had scones I'd baked the day before with our tea and coffee, on the porch. We listened to the birds waking, and the last calls of the owl and whippoorwills before leaving for town

We got to the store just as the doors opened. Since it was Sunday there were only 2 or 3 other people, all masked. Another guy came in a few minutes later, no mask and ignoring the directional arrows but we could keep away from him. We stocked up. Found most of the things on our list and I even got a couple flats of bedding plants.

Finding places to put all the extra things at home was a challenge! But now I will not need to go the the store again for a couple months except for milk. So it was worth the extra work. We had breakfast on the deck--actually, all meals this weekend have been at this table.

When that was finished I got out the power washer and worked on the patio and walks.

I have more to do but made a good start. Larry mowed grass where he could but the ground is still too wet in most places. We planted a couple lilies and a rose bush given to us by a friend, and some hibiscus starts I dug up from around the small lake down the road.

We ended a long day with a glass of wine each out on the porch, then watched the final episode of Indian Summers, a BBC series set in India in the 1930s. It was a fascinating look at the relationship between the Grits and the Indian people in a time of Empire transition. It made us furious in places and deeply sad in others at man's inhumanity to man. I highly recommend it.

Today is Larry's birthday. Our son Derek and his daughter and her little boy came over for breakfast, at 2:30 in the afternoon! Derek had golf earlier and he wanted breakfast. So I made bicuits, sausage, fried potatoes and sausage gravy and eggs. They loved it, and so did we. I made a cake too but no one was hungry for it after that spread.

After our visitors left, I rested. I was plumb tuckered from busy days and bad sleep for several nights. Larry had his nap earlier, and I snoozed on the swing before getting up to write this post. Maybe I will get some flowers planted this evening. Or maybe I will enjoy the rest of this day by sitting and looking. It's a pretty nice thing to do!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

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