
Sunday, July 19, 2020

Covid Journal, Day 124: Nothing Much

77 and heated up quickly. We hit a high of 96 today, with a hot dry wind--exactly what the gardens didn't need. We watered as much as we could but we need real rain so badly. A light shower or two this evening will at least give us a break from watering in the morning.

A slow day today because it was so hot. We were out early to water and generally check the gardens. A rabbit got under the electric fence in one and ate the tops of a few of the new bean plants, so we covered the row with a row cover. There are peppers ready to pick finally, but the tomatoes are so far behind schedule that it will be at least mid-August before we get any, from the look of things. Maybe we'll get some early cherry tomatoes at least.

I made molasses cookies today with the molasses given to us by our friend yesterday. So good! My recipe is here. Beyond that I didn't accomplish a great deal--caught up laundry, washed the shower curtain and re-hung it, finished my latest book (The Girls from Ames, a true story about 11 friends from Ames, Iowa), cleaned the floors, revised a couple poems, and sorted several totes of things for our booths or to send to the thrift store. We got ready to dress out our meat chickens in the morning, a job I'm not looking forward to because it will be another hot day. But I will be glad to have that out of the way and fresh chicken in the freezer.

We were hopeful for rain this evening; it did look promising, but although areas nearby got several storms, we had only a light shower or two. So disappointing, when everything is so dry. Even the weeds are shriveling.

Tomorrow will be a busy day, so I'll sign off now and get to bed. Stay cool, friends (and those of you in England and Ireland, know that I am so jealous of your cool weather right now!).

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I think we all send summer days wishing, hoping, praying for rain. I looked at my forecast last night & it said 60% chance this Wed. Then this morning it had dropped to 20%.

    I am at least getting tomatoes. I made some roasted tomato spread this past weekend & it's already gone. I can't wait to have enough tomatoes to make more to eat in my omelettes.

  2. No tomatoes here, either. And something knocked all the bloom off my pepper plants, so none of those to look forward to. I did pull some beets, and picked a couple of squash and cucumbers. Josh plants the beans, and it looks like it'll be August before we get any of those. We need rain, too!!

  3. My folks used to make sorghum. (And invited the public in so as to keep old customs alive.) Molasses or sorghum cookies are hard tobeat.


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