
Sunday, July 17, 2022


72 this morning, humid and cloudy. Showers during the night and off and on all day. Thunder rumbling as I write.

Yesterday we were on the road most of the day. Part of it was for a sad reason, one part was joyful, and one part business. We were up and out by 7am for the 3-hoir drive to Morgantown for the memorial celebration for the husband of a longtime storytelling friend. John was a man of many sides: a Vietnam vet, a devout and active Christian, a farmer, and a man who could fix and build just about anything. Those who spoke at the service told stories that taught all of us in attendance about his rich life and his love for others, and especially for his wife. 

It was good to be there for our friend. No one enjoys such things, but the comfort offered to those grieving is well worth it, and in the end, we come away blessed as well. There were other storytelling friends there as well, and how good it was to see them after these past years of isolation.

We went on to get a quick visit with son #4 and his wife, a delicious lunch out spiced with good conversation, laughter, and finished with hugs. Ah, life. It offers us such a mix of emotions in rapid succession, doesn't it.

The business part of the day was sourcing for our booths. We've had some good sales and needed some quick furniture fill-ins. We were lucky enough to find a nice porcelain too kitchen table with 4 chairs in pretty good condition, another porcelain top table, and a metal kitchen cabinet that needs to be painted but needs little else. So the van left here empty but came home fairly loaded.

And how good bed felt after our long day! We were up early again today, as I was scheduled to work at the antique mall. I got outside in my nightgown and garden shoes to spread a mix of wood ash, blood and bone meal on the gardens, only to discover that I had 2 bags of bone meal and no blood meal. So I did what I could with those, and on the way home tonight picked up the blood meal, so I will get that out tomorrow. This mixture is pretty much the same as commercial fertilizer, providing basically similar nutrients. 

We had a good day at the mall; Larry came along and visited the guys who sell antiques in the two shops across the street, and did some sweeping up and other things in our mall. We had a steady stream of customers, many just out browsing and enjoying a slow Sunday. I always enjoy meeting and talking with our visitors, and many come back again so become friends. 

This evening we made a stop to buy the blood meal and of course I bought more flowers. Then on the way home we visited with a neighbor we hadn't seen for a while, just catching up. We got home and soon another neighbor stopped by for a visit, so it has been a pleasant day all around.

Tomorrow it will be back to garden work and furniture painting. We have cucumbers coming in now, along with the squash, cabbage and cherry tomatoes so the gardens are coming into their own.

The storm broke a little while ago, so we were blessed with another good rain. And I am one thankful woman, as I will not have to water today. It doesn't take much to make me happy!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.

1 comment:

  1. You've been very busy. Glad to hear that you are selling some of your items and replacing with new ones. We had some rain last week but now it's getting hot and breaking records. Enjoy the new week!


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