
Monday, September 12, 2022

Home Stuff

66, cool and cloudy, with a hard shower midmorning. Now the sun is shining.

We spent time in tbe garden yesterday, which had gotten out of hand while we were so busy. Of course, at this time of year, most gardens are finished or gone weedy. We still have plenty of weeds out there but it looks much better. I gathered a bouquet of zinnias while we were out there. They have done so well this year.

Of course, in the process of cleaning up Larry weed-eated some of the worst places, and cut down my leeks which were pretty buried by grass. But I picked up the pieces, and along with some kale, a few carrots we dug up, a small cabbage, a couple tomatoes, squash and some potatoes I made a delicious soup so all was not lost.

We planted the raspberry plants and the peach trees too, and picked all the pumpkins. There were quite a few of them! They are not large, but meant for cooking. Still they will make nice fall decorations.  The Swiss chard is going strong, as is the kale and basil, and there are still a few small stonehead cabbages out there. Those were shaded under the pumpkins and did quite well, surprisingly, through all the summer heat. 

There are also a few tomatoes coming in and squash. Oh.My.Goodness, is there squash! The volunteer plant is like the eggplant that ate Chicago. It keeps going and going; it has even rooted in spots and started new plants. Definitely need to keep seeds from that one.

Today I am working on ebay and painting furniture. Nothing like variety! 

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. I'm coming over for lunch, heat up that soup!

  2. Out of hand is a good descriptor of my garden, at the moment. It is just about finished and needs a cleaning out asap.


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