
Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Another Rainy Day

33 this morning, with rain starting around 9am. 39 now, occasional snowflakes mixed in with the rain. Not a bird or creature stirring on this cold November day. So thankful for the rain!

This is definitely stay inside and get cozy weather, and that is what I am doing. My husband, on the other hand, is in and out, working on a table on the back porch. He is made of hardier stuff than I am. But I did drag him in for hot chocolate and some of the blueberry-banana-hickory-nut bread I made yesterday.

As for me, I caught up laundry, listed items on ebay, and took care of several business things I had been putting off until I had time to deal with them. I also had a long chat with son Derek, who had gone to one of my recently widowed friend's homes to help her evaluate her husband's guns. Nice that he was able to do that for her. 

I finally got my online banking stuff straight again. Apparently they changed something so it all went kerflop. And I called the drug store to be sure they took some medications off my refill list, since I don’t have to take those any more, and I set up a meeting with the guys who are going to put a metal roof on our log room next week. So little things, but off the to-do list.

When you put up a lot of your own food, your cabinets tend to look like this:

And the fridge looks like this. Lots of leftovers, jams, pickles, etc. I sure wash a lot of jars! The bag is celery leaves from our harvest the other day, which I will make into soup today.

Back to work I go! I still have my targeted area to clean today, this time the tops of cabinets in the kitchen. See you all soon!

Copyright Susanna Holstein. All rights reserved. No Republication or Redistribution Allowed without attribution to Susanna Holstein.


  1. There's always something to do or needs to be done. Raining and windy here too but it is supposed to get colder tonight.

  2. We had our first snow last night, and there was still a trace of it this morning but most of it melted and added to the wet mucky mud in the paddocks. Such a mess. All I accomplished today was making a big pot of lentil soup, so at least I know what I'll be eating for a while.


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